Adventures, Stories, and of course... PICTURES!!!

Thursday, October 26, 2006


Time for an update on Sam... or a Sam-date!

Today was a day of firsts for Sam!

I put him in his crib to play while I showered this morning. I sit him up because he is much happier and loves to sit and play that way. Well, I left him for a couple of minutes and before I got in the shower, I went and checked on him. When I looked into his room, here's what I saw:

OK. so the picture upload isn't working - I have tried for two days, so just picture the cutest baby ever smiling a big open-mouthed smile while looking over the rails of his crib...

Yes, he was peeking OVER the side of the crib - and yes, the smile was just that big! I couldn't believe it! He was on his knees, but he was PULLING UP!!!! Yikes! Called BJ, and, amidst the excitement, we made a mental note to lower the mattress tonight!!! That was a huge first for our little Sammy!

He still doesn't crawl... he can roll like a champ to wherever he wants to go... usually off the blanket and to one of Stormie's toys...

After the pulling up business this morning, I don't think crawling will have time to come into play!!!???

Well, our next first was sitting like a big boy in a shopping cart! We ventured out to the new Wal-Mart in Hamilton Mill this morning. Sam sat SO GREAT in the buggy inside his cute little 'cart-cover' thingy!!! He was extremely happy looking (and grabbing) at everything as we went by. I was quite impressed with him AND the new Wal-Mart! Very nice store! We walked around quite awhile... and, just me and the baby, did I just buy a couple of little things? Heck no!!! I bought cases - yes, multiples - of diapers, cases of wipes, baby food (not just a couple, but LOTS), a 20 pound bag of dog food (Stormie doesn't even weigh 20 pounds!!!), cleaning stuff, groceries,... the list goes on - it's WAL-MART for crying out loud - they have everything!!!!!!!! =) And I don't like to have to 'run to the store' for stuff, so I tend to stock up once a month or so!!!!

So, Sam's first time sitting like that in a new environment, one would think just a short trip and get him out... that's what I was thinking - but, obviously, with all I bought, it didn't work out that way!!!! Sam had a great time - little old ladies stopped us to admire him, people were smiling, we were doing great - Sam smiled at everyone, he was talking to me! People were probably laughing at us because I was talking right back to him (in his language!)... then came the check-out...

OH.............. MY........................ GOODNESS..................... HOW.................... SLOW........................ THAT..................... CHECKOUT............................... LADY............................. WAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You get the picture???? There were SIX checkout lanes open - of those, two were express (and I was definitely NOT express - I couldn't even pretend I had miscounted!!!)!!!!! It wasn't just my lane - they were all slow. Now, I do believe mine was the slowest!!!!! There were five people in line in front of me. Shouldn't be that bad for Wal-Mart - oh, it was the kiss of death! The TONS of baby food I had, she would scan it (multiple times because she couldn't figure out how that scanny-thing worked), and, as she was looking at the item, bag it, grab the next one (and "grab" makes it sound like she was moving fast - I assure you, she was not!), look at it, scan it (multiple times again), and so on.... She did this with every item!!!!!

Give me a break! I could have gone through the SELF-CHECK lane and been out of there faster! I don't care if she had NO TRAINING, you can't tell me that once you rang a couple of people through that you couldn't AT LEAST get a hang of the scanner!!!!!?????

Well, Sam entertained everyone in line and kept us all from getting too bent out of shape!!!! When I left him and stepped up to put my stuff on the belt, Sam got a little worried that he couldn't see me! The nice lady behind me entertained him by making faces at him, and once he realized that I was right behind him (I kept talking to him), he was fine again! He really is a brilliant child!!! =)

He finally had enough of the buggy when I was paying, so I got him out and put him on my hip. He decided that HE wanted to sign the credit card thing for me, so we had to wrestle with the fake pen - I won!

Oh, and I had a Visa check-gift-card to pay with... oh boy! The poor lady had to call the manager over to help her - because it was a partial pay... Good Lord... did these poor people get no training????? Did they stock the store, hire people, then say - "Alrighty then... let's open - they'll figure it out!!!!"??????????

Whatever!!!!! Great Wal-Mart, but I think I'll wait a few months before heading back to that one - I'll let them figure out what they're doing first!!!! SURELY they will have it down in a few months!? And for the love, don't EVER go on a Saturday! Why does every Wal-Mart have like 40 check-out lanes, and usually six or so are open???? What a waste of resources... you would think they would have learned by now - if you're not going to use them, don't waste the money to put them there!!!! Maybe they should hire me for consulting!!!!! I'm available!!!

Hopefully I can get pictures to upload soon...

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