Adventures, Stories, and of course... PICTURES!!!

Saturday, September 30, 2006


Well, we have been "farming" for the last couple of days...

Mama and Daddy went on "vacation" to the farm, so Sam, Bo, BJ and I have all been out there visiting while they were there! We like it when they vacation close by!!! We have been 4-wheeling, tractoring, and riding the mule around! It's been loads of fun. Of course, there are pictures...

Here's Daddy on the "little" tractor - this is actually Granddaddy's tractor - Sam's namesake!
Here's Bo on the big tractor... He has a mower on the back that is almost the width of two lanes of traffic - still takes awhile to mow the whole field, though!!!!Here's Sam and Mimi on the 4-wheeler... there's nothing he can't ride! Here's me and BJ on the "his and hers" 4-wheelers... like my overalls??? I thought they were appropriate since I was "farmin" This is me on the 4-wheeler, Bo on the dirt bike, and, I believe that's Mama and Sam on the Mule - not sure where BJ and Daddy are... I'm sure they were on something, though!!!!!
Sam is going to be dedicated tomorrow. At our church, they have a special ceremony in the afternoon for the parents and families of the little ones being dedicated. It is a special time, because it's me and BJ saying that Sam belongs to God, and we are promising to raise him according to how God commands us. This is a pretty big deal to us, so we are excited for tomorrow.

Pictures to follow of that event too!!!!

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Picture Pages

This morning, I went into Sam's room and saw two different things worth taking a picture of...

Sam was crying while I was showering, but when I would walk up to his crib, he would stop. I was on the phone with Mama, and she said to give him a cloth to hold (so I grabbed the biggest one I could find, of course - duh!). Well, it worked... he went to sleep! (FYI - it's a very thin towel, and he was breathing just fine - I had the monitor on, so I could hear him breath!!!!)

This is what Stormie does when he's crying. After she comes to get me, she goes and lays by his crib! She is the sweetest little puppy! I am so surprised at how she has accepted him already! We'll see how long that lasts when he starts chasing her! around - he's already loving to pet her... well, pull her hair!!!

We also went and had Sam's 6 month pictures made. He was a little angel ALL DAY!!!!! He did SO GOOD!!!! Mama came for reinforcements, and we are both exhausted... but the pictures turned out great, so that makes it all worth it!!!! I don't know how mothers do these things alone!!!!???? I'll post those once they are emailed to me!

Here's some more recent pictures in the meantime...

Here is little man ready for church... so cute in his little shoes and hat!!!!

Here he is ready to go to the park. Stacey and I walk at the park a few days a week now that it's not so hot... some mornings are cooler than others, so Sam was ready in his Tigger hat! You can't tell but his feet have lions on them - Kodak moment, of course!
Sam really loves cantelope... how do I know this? He knaws it to pieces in one of those little bag feeder things! He screams his head off when he drops it or he has sucked all the juice out! Ahhh... just like his dad!!!!

Monday, September 25, 2006

More of Sam...

Here is Sam at Mimi and Pop Pop's again... these are while we were in Tallahassee - we really don't "give him away" every weekend!!!!!!

He got a new toy - this one he can walk with and run into stuff... so it stays out there =)!!! They said he just walked backwards with it so far, and it was just an accident!!!!!Mimi taught him how to play nosies... and he's really good at it... with her!!!! He's only done it for me a little!?
Pop Pop taught him this face - and he's working on getting him to stick his tongue out... saving that for next time!!!! AND, Sam learned that peas are ok with a little salt!!!! Much better than the whole GAGGING scenario!!!! He has eaten them twice this week and done GREAT!!!! Yay!!!!

Monday, September 18, 2006

How 'Bout Them TIGERS!!!!!!

OK - first, you have to go here:

and check this picture out!!!!!

Yeah, that's my brother!!!!! The picture makes it look like he's just holding his bike up with his knee for the shot, but, it all reality, he is going 100 mph!!!!!! He's fearless when it comes to that stuff!!!!! I think it's pretty cool, though!!!!

We are going to get Sam from Mama and Daddy in a little bit... he has learned to drink from a sippy cup while he was gone!!!! Next time, they'll have him walking!!!!

Tallahassee was fun - CLEMSON WON!!!!!!!! So, that made the trip that much sweeter! We had fun with BJ's dad and Inny and Brandon! I washed the truck this morning and had to take a moment of silence for all the bugs that we killed on the trip! The windshield and the front end were COVERED with big black bugs... Mama says they are love bugs - so we get two with one hit! I hope it was open season for them, because we sure put a hurtin' on the love bug population!!!!!!

Here are the pictures...

The morning after...

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Picture Update

Well. here's the beginnings of a new blog... I am guessing that I took up my 300MB of server space with the other one, so, why not start another one!!!??? Once this one fills its quota, I'll just start another one!!!! Ahhh... working the system...

And, I must add some more pictures from Labor Day... the ones my other blog was obviously too full to handle!!!

Here's Sam swimming...

Here's Bo, BJ and me on the tubes - before Daddy started doing dougnuts (did I spell that right?) and threw us off... Sam helped Pop Pop dock the boat... (yes, we took off the life jacket just before the picture was taken - bad parents!) Sam sleeping for all of 30 minutes...
Here's Sam ready to go to Rome - he was so cute in his sweater vest and hat and shoes... of course he was a hit!!!!
BJ and I were finishing dinner last night and noticed Sam had gotten quiet... he was so tired, and we wouldn't listen and lay him down apparently!!!! Poor little guy was just tired and wanted to sleep - well, just as his namesake, he just went to sleep where he was!!!

This weekend, BJ and I are headed to Tallahassee to see Clemson play FSU - and to see BJ's little brother who is a student there! Mimi and Pop Pop are keeping Sam - so he's going to hae a fun-packed weekend too!!!

OK, well, we shall see how long this blog lasts...