Adventures, Stories, and of course... PICTURES!!!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

To my Anonymous Reader

I apologize for this post to everyone that this DOES NOT apply to.....

To my anonymous reader:

If you are a regular reader of my blog (and I know that you are, because this isn't the first rude comment you have posted), you would realize that it is purely a mother's journal, and is in no way used to judge or critique other people, their beliefs or political views. If that were the case, then I would actually publish those types of posts.... be it about MY PERSONAL political views, religious views, etc. But I am extremely careful NOT to publish those types of posts. I don't want my blog to be a platform, just a journal! I would much rather have those types of discussions face-to-face than over a BLOG! However, I want MY blog to be light, fun and refreshing. Mainly, it is for me and my family and friends to have a record of MY children growing up - growing pains as well as victories. I honestly hope that you get enjoyment out of reading it.

I believe in Jesus Christ. I believe that He came to this earth and died for our sins and was resurrected three days later. I believe He lives in me and that I am a Christian living my life for Him. My blog will reflect these beliefs regularly. I believe that Jesus commands us to love one another, and to show love for everyone. Another reason that your misinterpretation of my comment about BJ (not anyone else mind you) really struck a chord. I always have and always will mention my love for Christ and His love for me and my family.... how He has blessed us (as I mentioned in the 'not really controversial post'), and how we try to live our lives for Him.

My brief comment about BJ's job situation was purely about HIM and HIS situation. In no way was I directing ANY TYPE of criticism to anyone else who got laid off. Had BJ been laid off, I would have still said that his good work ethic, morals and beliefs would help land him a job very soon. THAT statement would not mean that everyone else was not going to be able to find a job! If I had wanted to talk derogatorily about anyone that he worked with, believe me I would have been way more direct! Not that I need to defend myself here, but some wonderful people and FRIENDS lost their jobs that day....... and we have been nothing but supportive and loving to ALL of these people! I was merely trying to convey that my husband is an outstanding guy and a hard worker. For you to take it any further was inappropriate and completely ridiculous!

But as I said earlier, this blog is not a place to talk down to or about people; therefore, I DO NOT do that! I enjoy sharing stories and moments from my life and the lives of my children. In my opinion, as a mother and a wife, my husband and children are perfect... and my blog is going to reflect that! I don't need someone interpreting ill-intent from them. Every post is nothing but innocent and fun.

If I can be frank (and I can, because it is my blog ;), I would appreciate you either keeping your negative comments to yourself, or contacting me directly in the future with any displeasure you may find with my posts.

I know, that will cause your anonymity to be no longer, but, if you have the opinions and they are strong enough to write them, then you should have the guts to share them with me personally. If you are only bold enough to write, but not sign your name to your comments, then you should just keep them to yourself. Your comments are obviously not necessary or wanted!

I realize that this isn't the first time you have made a rude comment, so here is what I ask of you....

If you are not able to sign your name to your comments, then you have two choices:
1 - read and enjoy my blog with everyone else... and keep your comments to yourself (or 'man-up' and actually put your name with your comment)
2- stop reading my blog if it is THAT "disgusting" to you.

Really........ I cannot believe anyone with a sound thought-process could derive something that negative from one sentence!!!!! But, nonetheless, I apologize if I was not clear enough. Hopefully by now it is nothing but crystal clear!

All that being said, I think you get my point now. If my blog does not leave you feeling happy inside, then just don't read it. You obviously don't get it anyway!!!!!!! But know this. I love you. And I would LOVE an opportunity to speak with you (I have a feeling I know you - and probably quite well) - be it through private email or a conversation on the phone.

Until then, HAPPY reading!!!!!



Again, I apologize to EVERYONE that I even have to dignify that comment with a whole post devoted to it, but I realize that "Anonymous" was going to continue to read and comment (anonymously), and that I needed to directly speak to that person. Hopefully now, this person will contact me personally with any questions or concerns about my statements..... but come on - give me the benefit of the doubt here! This blog is purely for fun and entertainment. I do not choose it to be a platform for debate!!!!!! =)

Friday, February 06, 2009

I think I missed January!?

Is January over already? Really? Wow! The weeks are flying by....

This year has already proven to be trying in some ways... BJ's company had 30 lay-offs in November, then, this past Monday they laid off 90 more. There are only 61 people left in his firm.... thank God he is one of them. It's sad, scary and humbling all at the same time. God rewarded BJ (and us) for his hard work, good work ethic, morals and beliefs. We are so thankful. Thankful to the point that there is a possibility that he will have to work this weekend, and my reaction was, "GO! That's great. Fine. Wonderful!" Not the typical reaction he would get from me!!!!!!

Pictures, of course...

Sam hard at work at the farm...
He got a REAL tool set for Christmas, which was quickly set aside to keep at the farm (after the typical, "That looks like a toy for Mimi and Pop Pop's house," "No, that looks like a great toy for your house, Sam!") I can just see my new T.V. with a hammer attached to the screen!!!!Sam had woken up from his nap... a little EARLY, you might say!!!!!He finally crawled into the ball pit and stretched out and watched some T.V.OK. I debated on whether or not to put this one on here and explain, but here it goes. This is reality, people! One morning I decided that I wanted PEACE while trying to use the bathroom. Well..... we all see how it ended up.... both kids in there with me, who closed the door themselves, and proceeded to rip and tear every magazine in there. Glad I had just gone through the basket! I just didn't have it in me to say NO! anymore, and I really just wanted some peace!!!!Sam would wear his jammies all day everyday if I would let him!Jake tackled Mommy while we were playing!!!!Every now and them one or both of them will stop for a hug!
Jake's favorite room is by far the kitchen! I think he would just camp out in the frig if I would let him!?This is Sam when he's just gotten up from a nap. Not too happy about it! He walks out of his room (usually shuts his door???) and sits or stands and looks through the rails at us until we come get him!Here's what we find when we get Jake up from his nap....Pretty happy little guy!
Sam's vacation to Mimi and Pop Pop's was full of all kinds of fun... basically whatever he saw, he did it!!!! These were my roller blades from high school!?He got out ALL of Pop's tools... and you can tell that just tore him up!!!!They went to Albany and visited Nanny, who got him a big wheel!
And they let his rip all around the house!!!! He did spend the rest of the time outside on it... it was so nice outside down there!They took him to Chehaw where he got to see lots of animals.They took a picnic and ate it there... Sam collected sticks and pine cones while everyone else ate!He loved petting all of the animals...until they read a sign that said they might bite small fingers...... guess that made him a little apprehensive!?

And, it's time to go...