Adventures, Stories, and of course... PICTURES!!!

Monday, February 25, 2008


Oh! My! It is before 9 pm, and I have two (young) children who are each in his own bed... for the night --- we hope! I feel so lost!

Thursday, February 21, 2008


The nurse called this afternoon and told me that we needed to have Jake at the hospital at 6:30. My reply was, "AM?" She snickered and said, "Yes, in the morning." I knew good and well that she meant morning, but I also was calculating what time that meant I needed to get up.... Ugggg..... that would be EARLY!

Nonetheless, that means that they will start Jake sooner and be done with him sooner; therefore, there will be a higher possiblity that we'll be home tomorrow night. We shall see. If the balloon is done, we will be spending the night no matter what.

Whatever it takes to make my baby well..... I will do with a HAPPY heart!!!!!

I have been LOVING having him home and being able to hold him and feed him and change his diapers, and kiss on him... I missed him so much! Although, he doesn't sleep as much for me, and he requrires me to hold him more... what the heck? I must have 'push-over' marked on my back with both of my kids!!!! =)

Sam has been in heaven at Mimi and Pop Pop's. He's been doing man work and hasn't had a single accident (because they're so good at reminding him and taking him to the potty!). I didn't exist anymore once Mimi and Pop Pop showed up. But that's ok - I'm so glad he loves them so much! He WILL tell me, "Love you mommy" on the phone, which is priceless! Last week, when he was sick, he even said is spontaneously... that's a major thing - he loves me without being told he loves me! Ahhhhhh... it doesn't take much to make a mommy happy!!!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


I got Jake back today! I'm so excited! It was NINE WHOLE NIGHTS without him! I can't believe it has been so long! Mama sent more pictures of our little guy - he's SO BIG! (I'll post those later!) And he's eating baby food now! He love sweet taters (just like his brother)!

It feels so good to hold my little baby again!
I heard from the Cath Lab this afternoon... Jake will be having his surgery/procedure on Friday. I'll hear tomorrow about times/instructions...

Monday, February 18, 2008

Since I have been missing Jake so bad, BJ asked Mama to send me some pictures. He has grown and changed since I last saw him! I can't wait to get him in my arms again! It has been SEVEN NIGHTS already!!! On one hand, it has flown by because of all this going on with Sam, but on the other hand it has been an ETERNITY! I miss my little guy so much! Most moms barely let their child go away for one night - especially for the first time... no, not me... I let him go for over a week! Not by choice, though! I must say that we have to upgrade Mama and Daddy to SAINT-HOOD! They have had Jake all this time, and when I get Jake back, they are going to babysit Sam so that BJ and I can be with Jake at the hospital! We COULD NOT make it through all of this without them! All the while, they are asking what they can do for us... SAINTS, I say! They're going to need to get in their motorhome and travel for a month or so to recover from US!!!!!

Here is Jake reading his Valentine card...
Peeking out of his bed - anybody else up? I sure am!
Making friends with the singing bear! Wonder if it freaked him out - it's a wierd sounding singing bear!!!! These helped... I just need to get my hands on my little guy!!!!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Why can't we catch a break?

I don't know if it's exhaustion from caring for a sick toddler who is running in circles one minute, wanting to be held and carried CONSTANTLY, and/or crying in my arms because his tummy/throat/head/ear hurts and he doesn't understanding why it won't stop... AND I have a baby that I can't (don't need to) be around that went to the cardiologist and needs a procedure/surgery NEXT WEEK... but I have been in a funk today.

I feel like God is watching over us, most definitely (i.e. the potty seat with lead, and Jake being at Mama and Daddy's when Sam came down with this rotten virus), but I feel like we can't catch a breath before the next issue/disaster (whatever we want to call it) hits! We haven't slept through a night in four months, our baby has to go back to the hospital, and we just want 'normal' --- whatever that is!? I just feel bummed, I guess. I think I really just expected to hear that Jake is the same and we'll keep watching him as usual, and I had my brain wrapped around that; so when I was told we had to go to the hospital next week, it hit pretty hard. Not to mention, Sam had just woken up from his nap in tears/pain, so he was screaming his head off while I was trying to hear what BJ was saying on the phone. Sam wanted to be held, he wanted to go to the kitchen, he wanted to open the refrigerator then the freezer, he wanted to go to the playroom, he wanted me to sit, he wanted me to stand, he wanted me to "put phone down," you get the picture!!!???? I wanted him to feel better (he had been fine before naptime, so I felt we had THAT on the run, so THAT hit me like a ton of bricks to have it starting AGAIN), I wanted to hear what BJ was telling me about Jake......... it wasn't a good afternoon to say the least!

On the flip side - I read the Care Page of the family that lost their little girl and am so thankful for all that I'm dealing with because it means my kids are both still here with me for me to love on. I can't really complain, nor do I want to!

I think a lot of my feelings are just that I miss Jake terribly. When you get news like that (that I couldn't even be at the appointment to hear first hand), you just want to reach out and touch your little baby. It reassures you and the child both. I am so comforted that my parents have Jake - there is not a worry in my mind about them taking care of him, watching for signs of distress, etc. They have been involved since before he was born and take care of him just as I would. I have actually asked Mama to take a picture of how she puts Jake to bed so I can immitate it when he does get home! He naps 1-2 hours a few times a day!? They're going to have to give me pointers on how best to take care of him!!!!!!!

Mommys just need to touch, that's all! I would just like to be able to establish a normal and maintain it (or improve on it) at this point, I suppose!

I don't know... pity-party over (for now ;)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, February 14, 2008


We ended up in the emergency room at Children's last night - not with Jake (thank goodness) but with Sam (still not good). His temperature soared to 103.9 and he puked some more. We couldn't get the fever down with a cool bath, cool cloth (which Sam didn't like anyway) or Tylenol. We called the pediatrician after hours line, and the doctor recommended taking him to be checked out.

So we did. We got there, and due to the contruction, I had to walk (outside) all the way to the other end of the hospital from where BJ dropped us off (at the Emergency Room ENTRANCE SIGN). I walked into the tiny waiting room, and there were MAYBE four empty chairs. It was PACKED, and SO GROSS! It just felt so clostrophobic and extremely germy to me. Once the toothless male nurse asked us what was wrong, we were sent to wait... and wait...

A nurse came to get us - YAY! And took us to another waiting room (Uggg!). At least this was in the new part of the hospital, and there were only two other families waiting with us. They got called away after half and hour, and we were alone - wondering if we had been forgotten. Another family came in (with FIVE kids), and we waited... and waited... finally, we got taken back at 9:00. And we waited...

They took Sam's vitals. Temp 100.9 and heartrate 160 (I think he was apprehensive of the Gaylord Focker nurse). He took the temp under the arm, and I was still working on Sam's arm to get him adjusted right when he removed the thermometer. I KNOW he didn't get a true or accurate reading - in hindsight, I should have asked the doctor to take it again... lesson learned. The doctor came in, talked to us, listened to Sam and diagnosed an ear infection. Yep, that was all it was! I didn't know puking could be a side effect of an ear infection. Whatever! They never gave him ANYTHING for his fever, or to get him started on the antibiotics for the ear infection. Hindsight again: I should have insisted they give hime SOMETHING! Many lessons learned.

We got discharged at midnight and headed home. I thought I had Motrin at home to nip the fever issue, and told BJ Sam and I could run to the pharmacy the next morning for the prescription. I had no Motrin (I have already been to the pharmacy, and have plenty of stock of Motrin now). I can't believe I didn't think of that earlier in the day - I swear by Motrin! I guess I was still in Jake-mode, and he can't have Motrin yet! Another bad mommy move!

Sam slept with us last night for the first time ever (in our bed). We did all right. He moves a lot, and likes to turn sideways in his sleep, so I had to keep readjusting him. He woke up at SIX AM! And DID NOT go back to sleep! WHAT????? I thought SURELY we would sleep in since we didn't get in bed until 1!? Nope! He has been wide open all morning - a side effect of the lack of sleep more than anything. The fever is down to 99.8.

What an experience! The biggest lesson of all that I learned: Take him on to the doctor during the day if there is a remote possibility that he won't be OK by evening!

I still think it's amazing at God's timing. All of this going on, and Mama and Daddy have Jake - thank the Lord! What would we have done with Jake????? Well, one of us would have had to stay home with him (or in the car)... I COULDN'T have taken him into that emergency room! And it's the first and only time Jake has been away from me! WOW!

Sam is on the road to recovery now...

Jake goes to the cardiologist tomorrow!

Here we go............. or keep going..............

Oh! But wait... there's more!!! As I was finishing up typing, Sam woke up (that was 1:30 - he slept for MAYBE an hour). We have since been to the doctor, and I have been holding him and baby-ing him all night. Our doctor actually examined him and looked in his throat - the ER doctor never did that!? What the heck - I'm so exasperated with that ER right now! They even gave him a dose of Motrin while we were there... and I didn't even have to ask.

He has Herpagina... it's basically ulcers/sores in his mouth. It's a viral thing that is passed through spit (cough, drool, sneeze,...) or through the air (hugs can spread it too), and is usually accompanied by an ear infection and high grade fever, amongst other things. We basically must ride this out, which usually lasts 3-6 days. The doctor also instructed me to keep Jake as far away as possible. So, on top of Sam being SUPER clingy (which is ok, b/c I just want to love on him and pet on him), I can't be around Jake - especially since my parents have him, I won't even get to see him for a few days! DOUBLE UGGGGGG....

We can't seem to catch a break here! Mama and Daddy have said they will take Jake to his cardio appt and meet BJ there - who will only be able to look at him and not touch on him since he and I are both probably carrying the germs. This is most prevalent in infants and children under 5 - adults can carry it, but it's more rare that they display symptoms.

What's a mommy to do???????

Happy Valentine's Day!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

More Tears...

Of joy this time, though!

Sam is down for his nap... and we have had NO ACCIDENTS today! WOW! It's absolutely amazing!!! I feel like I'm on cloud nine now! No poopies today, so that will be another hurdle we must conquer! Something I forgot to add about potty training... no one (not even the book) mentions that you have a toddler running in circles, literally, and yelling and playing while you're trying to keep them focused on the potty... quite entertaining (now)!

So Sam got up today (at the crack of dawn) and began tee tee-ing in the potty. We did great until about 11:00. We had been in the playroom (potty right there), in the living room, in the kitchen.. all over - no accidents and chugging right along. Sam started getting clingy and asked to watch T.V. OK - that has NEVER happened! He just wanted to sit in my lap and watch cartoons (he's never SEEN cartoons!?). I thought he may be a little warm, so I took his temp. It was 101.4! So we started into the bathroom to take Tylenol. As we entered the bathroom, he PUKED! This was our first experience with puke (beyond normal to excessive baby spit-up!) --- YUCK! I about GAGGED trying to clean him and me up! Sam wouldn't even take his Tylenol, and he LOVES to "take medicine!" I held him and rocked him - he cried and cried. Finally, he settled down and just laid there for an hour or more. I couldn't put him down because he would cry. So I held him and rocked him. I did, however, get some Pull-Ups on him so we didn't have to deal with accidents or the potty while he was sick. And, do you know - he never had an accident through all of this? WOW!
He finally got ok with me putting him down, so I made him a pallet on the floor so he could watch cartoons (???)... then, Elmo had to watch with him!? Yep, Kodak moment...
This was not staged one bit, I promise! Stormie was keeping her eye on Sam (and Elmo) too!
I did get some Chicken Noodle Soup in him (a little) and some water. By naptime, he was wide open again!!!! How the heck do kids do this? He still had a temp of 100.8 when he went down, so we will see how he is when he wakes up!

I don't know - I can't even begin to analyze where this came from. All I can say is that God takes care of us... Jake is at Mama and Daddy's so I can focus on Sam and his potty. And it's the first time he has been away from us since he was born! God is good, that's for sure!

Here are pictures from potty training and the last week or so...
Sam trying on his big boy underwear... and showing us his Buddha (sp) Belly!
Oh! Yes! He is a Ladies Man!!!Yep, and that is his hand in his pants... typical man!Our little "Heart Breaker"This picture was taken at Sam's request. Now, when he does something 'cute' he says, "Take Picture" --- think I have the camera out quite a bit or what???

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Potty Training in 'Less' Than a Day

Yeah, right!!!!

Mama potty trained my brother and I in a day, so of course, that's what I'm attempting with Sam. I researched no other methods, and only read this book that was printed in 1974. Ignorance is bliss sometimes... or my demise! I'm not sure if it worked - only time will tell...

Sam and I began our potty training journey this morning... right off the bat, we ran into a road hump. The 'pot' part of the potty was WAY too small. Mr. Winky poked right out over the cup (right at me, actually)... no, thanks! Emergency Target run ensued. $150 later (there were a 'few' other things I decided we needed - must have been an emergency too!?), we were back home and in our big boy underwear again. Literally, I put the underwear on, Sam ran behind the table and announced that he needed to poopie. I ran to him and attempted to get him back to the potty. Poop in the underwear, on the floor and on the potty... but not "IN" the potty! Uggggg....

I had him in the bathroom 'helping' me empty his underwear into the toilet. He already had on clean underwear at this point, and he was standing in a puddle on the floor. Yep, he tee teed right there. We hadn't even gotten started good, so I couldn't do more than clean him up (again) and start over fresh!

After all of that, he only had a few accidents, and tee teed in the potty a lot more than he had accidents. Success, right? Wrong. He took a three hour nap (that was great, b/c I was exhausted too), and woke up 'refusing' to tee tee in the potty. I would sit him on it (talking the whole time, of course), he would get up and go wet his underwear a minute later. We did this for an hour before he FINALLY tee teed in the potty again. I felt like a complete failure and was laying on the floor in tears - on the brink of throwing in the towel and putting diapers back on him. Once he FINALLY tee teed again in the potty, he didn't have anymore accidents for the rest of the evening! YAY!

I know I'm not out of the woods with accidents, but the 'success' of the day is that Sam doesn't like to wet his pants. I'm not sure that he quite understands the 'urge' to tee tee, but we're getting there. He cries when he tee tees in his underwear! Hooray!!!!! By the time BJ got home, we had practiced "running" to the potty so much that he kept saying, "Need practice!"

Now, let's see if he remembers all of that in the morning... I sure will!

Friday, February 08, 2008

Due for an update - and pictures...

We've been busy... went to Rome to see my dad's mom on Monday - Sam got to play on a big playground, and absolutely LOVED it! Jake slept all the way there, woke up towards the end of lunch, "chatted" with us, ate his bottle while Sam played, then went back to sleep and slept the whole way home. He was great! It was his first 'road trip' too!!!!

I registered Sam for school! I should be/have been more upset about it, but it was absolute chaos while I was registering him, so I didn't have time to 'think' about it. He will start after Labor Day and go two days a week for a few hours each day. Surely I can handle that...... right?

I went to Sam's room the other morning, and I asked him if he had a doodie. He said, "No doodie... just tee tee." OH MY GOSH! What a smartie! I told him that he and Mommy were going to start working on this potty training business really soon. To which he replied, "Need screwdriver." OK, so he associates working on stuff with "Man tools." =) I am actually going to attempt potty training next week. Mama gave me this book on how to potty train in a day... it's really intense, but, as she put it: you get out what you put in... stay tuned...

I took Sam and Jake to Chick-Fil-A today... just me and the two kids. I made it! It actually wasn't that bad - Jake slept the whole time, so it was just a matter of lugging them both in and out! All I can say is BICEPS! Sam wanted to "go out there" and play on the indoor playground. There were a ton of kids and moms in that glassed-in room - that's tiny b/c of the big playground, and I just couldn't do it. Especially not with Jake! Even just looking at the room I felt the germs coming out... much less if we had gone in!!! So I told Sam there was too much snot in there and we weren't going in. He's never been on one, so he really didn't know what he was missing, so he just kept saying that it was "too snotty." That sounds like a germ-o-phobic mom if I've ever heard one!!! The bad part is that we got home at 1:30, and I finally got him ready and down for a nap by 2... he's still up there talking to himself and NOT sleeping (it's 2:45)! Uh! Oh! I hope we didn't miss our nap!?

I've been a picture-taking fool...

Stormie is getting really interested in Jake now. One time, he was in his swing crying, and Stormie was sitting in front of it looking at him and whining! I think she just wanted me to "turn him off" but it seemed sweet anyway!!!!!
We're cooking with gas now! (If this triggered any red flags with DEFACS, rest easy... the stove, oven and microwave were OFF!)
See... Jake was watching Sam eat his lunch!
BJ and Sam ready to go to the grocery store... as you can see, Sam is always messing around and making us laugh!
So it was cold one day, and we were CLIMBING THE WALLS, so I attempted a wagon ride with the kids. It was way too windy, so I took the opportunity for the photo-op and we went back in!
OK, so I HAD to take them out just for a minute... Sam didn't really 'understand' that we couldn't stay outside very long! Poor baby!
Savoring one of those brief moments that I can hold and love on Jake... without chasing Sam! Then, it's time to get up and get SOMETHING done!?Oooooo... he is SO HAPPY --- ALL the time!!!!!
Smiling at his Daddy!
Jake's ALMOST ready for his fun chair! If we can get him to sit up without puking, we'll be in business! He's checking his new digs out, though!

Sam is an ole pro at the slide now! He sends everything dowm before he goes himself... others first, you know!!!Sam and BJ doing "Man Work" replacing a light. Now, Sam looks for lights to be out so he can do "man work"!!!
I don't know... just being cute!

BJ moved Sam's video game system into the "new" office... and his X-Box... you see what they're playing? Yep, X-Box!!! Sam is wanting to push the buttons, and BJ is having to keep the controller from him!!!!!At least it's quality "man time" together!?

Pre-bath evenings at our house...Mimi fed Jake before we left for Rome. She was burping him, and he fell asleep. She got up with him, and he never moved! He actually didn't move until we got done with lunch in Rome! He sleeps best in the car!!!

That's all for now... Sam's still talking to himself (actually, he's spelling to himself); I guess I need to go sit on him! (I'm kidding DEFACS!). I'm just going to go hold him down (where he can still breathe, of course!)!!!!