Adventures, Stories, and of course... PICTURES!!!

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Food For Thought...

Background... we had a guy speak this morning about apologetics (not the "I'm Sorry" kind) - basically, he was talking about Truth. In our society, we are brought up with certain beliefs in our homes or communities... whether it's Judaism, Catholicism or Christianity, etc. When faced with skeptics in this world, how do we even begin to 'defend' our beliefs?

Usually with an "Ummmmm..." right? Then, "Because that's what I've been taught," or "because I have faith," etc. All true and fine - to like-minded believers, but what about those who don't believe? How do we convince them that what we believe is right? Or that they should at least consider what we believe? We can't say "The Bible tells me so," because they don't necessarily believe the Bible!!!

Is diving into "the world" and becoming one of them how you minister to others? Only if you believe that what the world has to offer is the way to eternity. As Christians, we live IN this world, but are not OF this world!

How do we live that way? We DON'T always, but we try! It's so easy to get consumed with money, houses, clothes, cars, jobs, friends, guys/girls... I could go on and on!!! Does that mean I walk around thumping my Bible over people's heads? Absolutely not!

Should you notice that there's something different about me by HOW I live my life and interact with you and others? ABSOLUTELY!!!!!

If you (or your wife) were to get pregnant, and they could give your child any characteristic you wanted - basically, you Build-A-Child, not a Bear - what/how would you build your child?

I thought about this, and concluded this: I just had Sam 6 months ago, and, if I had special-ordered anything, I would have messed him up. Have you ever special-ordered a car? You go through the options and pick the ones that best suit you... inevitably, you get the car and realize that you forgot something or should have gotten something a little different! That would be my luck with a child - and, quite honestly, I CERTAINLY could not have special-ordered a more perfect child than God created for me... you see, HE knows me even better than I know myself, so who better to build me a child?

(That is medically possible, by the way - so they say)

This biology professor asked his class to raise their hands if they believed in Creationism - and, if so, prove it. No one did. After some more prodding, a girl raised her hand. He asked her to stand, then why she believed it. She said nothing. He asked again. She still stood and said nothing. He said that was what he thought and told her to sit down. Then, proceeded to tell them that if anyone even mentioned Creation on a paper or in class that they automatically fail.


I thought again of what I would have done. I would like to say (from a 27 year-old point-of-view) that I could have said: I can't prove Creationism anymore than you can prove Evolution, so what makes mine wrong and yours right??? Or, that I choose to not respond, because he obviously does not believe it nor could I persuade him to, so I choose to, in the interest of my grade, abstain from the question or discussion with him.

As a high school or college student, I am afraid I would have probably just been quiet too.

I know I am all over the place, but I was just thinking and wanted to put something down on paper... Sam is at Mama and Daddy's, so my brain shifted to adulthood instead of "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes" =)

I'll update more pictures soon!!!

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