Adventures, Stories, and of course... PICTURES!!!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Just Today...

Just today...

I have broken the faucet. Ripped that bad boy right off - water squirted like a fire hydrant. What a mess!

Jake (or Sam - I'm really not 100% sure) colored on himself with a green marker. I think it could POSSIBLY have been Sam because it is mostly on his neck.

I put Sam down for a nap and after going in there a few times I told him his new toy(s) would be in time out if I had to come back in there, so to lay down and be quiet. I didn't hear anything from him and assumed he was sleeping (for an hour and a half)!!! He came out of his room with black 'marker' all over him. After a few questions and him showing me a few things, turns out it was the FURNITURE REPAIR PEN! Didn't even know it was in there... not to mention he had to CLIMB THE FURNITURE to get to it! So, there is black furniture repair 'paint' on Sam's face (pictures to come, I'm sure), Sam's jammies, Sam's mobile, Sam's sheets, and on every piece of paper he could find (there wasn't much). Miraculously, the walls were untouched!!!! (Sam never slept... should be an even more interesting afternoon!?)

It's only 3:00..... thank goodness BJ is on his way home - to fix the sink!

Monday, December 15, 2008

The FIRST Christmas Program...

So Sam had his first ever Christmas Program last week. I was so excited to go and see him 'perform.' Sadly, he was sick the weekend before and had to miss school on Tuesday. He definitely wasn't 100% by Thursday, but he wasn't contagious, and I was SO GLAD he was able to go! I think I would have been WAY more dissapointed to miss it than he would have been, though!

The theme was 'Bethlehem in the Barn,' so the kids were instructed to dress in western/Christmas attire. Don't know how that exactly ties together, but we figured it out! My mom found some cowboy boots and a cowboy outfit - and he wore a plaid shirt with red in it to tie in the Christmas part. I really didn't think Sam would wear any of it, but once he wore the boots a few times, we couldn't get them off of him, and BJ dressed him that morning in his chaps, vest and hat, and he LOVED it! I honestly couldn't believe it that he would wear the hat, but he did! AND - he still had it on by the time he had been at school for and hour and the program started!!!!

The three and four-year-olds were on the risers and sang a few songs. The two-year-olds came on stage for one song, then bowed and went back off (guess they weren't to be trusted to make it through the whole thing!?) I was so proud of my little guy! He looked so cute, and, get this... he even BOWED with the rest of them!!!! I was so shocked and excited to watch him 'perform'!!!!!
There he is on the far left (yeah.... the only one in a hat and full-on costume!)
Close-up!Talking to his friend!Exiting right stage!
So we don't do anything halfway. None of the other kids were QUITE as 'dressed up' for the them, but Sam enjoyed it, and it helped us spot him quickly!!!! This is one time where it would have been hard to have a girl, because we all know she would have had to wear a frilly Christmas dress!!!!

After the program, we had a Christmas Party for the kids and parents in Sam's classroom. Sam had fun, but he kept telling me he was ready to go. You see, my parents and BJ were there as well, and Sam knew he was going to Mimi and Pop Pop's after the party. So, he was ready to get the next party started!!!!! Stinker!!!!
Here's the fam... Mimi and Pop Pop came too - thank goodness!!!!

Sam and BJ made a gingerbread house for the table decoration at the party. Mimi made the reindeer cupcakes.... with Pop Pop's help of course! They were so cute!!!! What would I do without her???

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

'Ode to My Husband

Twas a night we attempted to get in the bed
Early as possible because we were so dead.
Days and nights of sick and whiny kids;
Mommy was also feeling sick as the others so did.

Snug and warm in our bed finally -
All we could hear was the soft hum of the t.v. and the snoring of the puppy.
When all of a sudden did we hear
A screaming child oh so near!

Up sprang my hubby with one agile bounce,
"It is Jake" was all I could announce.
Out the door Daddy flew
To see if he could make the baby coo.

In a NyQuil induced coma I did float.
In and out, I hear the baby cry and the Daddy dote.
Half drunk and half asleep,
To the baby's door I did creep.

My intentions were sincere,
I wanted to go in there.
I stopped outside the door to hear
My husband singing to the baby oh so dear.

I stopped at the door and listened awhile.
Tears in my eyes were beginning to pile.
I heard remnants of "Hush Little Baby don't you cry,"
Then words only a Daddy could compile.

After an hour of repeat,
The baby finally did sleep.
My husband climbed wearily back into bed.
As I said, "I'm sorry," "It wasn't that bad," was all he said.

I fell back asleep hearing in my head
The sweet words to be kept between a baby and his dad.
And the sweet dear thought slipped past
That I am so very blessed!

BJ - you are the best daddy and husband in the world!!! I love you!

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Picture Mania

So this time, Jake got sick right after Thanksgiving and Sam has followed him... AGAIN! However, Jake 'just' had a cold - still stinks to have a sick baby that you really can't give anything to except TLC. Not to mention he's cutting three 1-yr-molars too! Sam, on the other hand has had high fever and puking. I don't know if it's just his 'thing' that he pukes whenever he gets a fever or if it's just another stomach bug. Bless his little heart. He's so pitiful! And none of us have gotten that much sleep the last few nights. Geez... I am DONE with all this sickness business! He fell asleep on his 'sick pallet' - and Stormie is always 'sick' with whomever will sit still!
I have quite a few pictures/stories to share - so get ready!

Here are the "Popsicle Amigos" at work. A lot of nights, they have to share Popsicles with Dad!
We went to the farm a few weeks ago, and here's Sam enjoying his snack and Gatorade.
We took Jake's walker and he literally took off out there and hasn't turned back since. That weekend was really the turning point for his walking - he figured out how to 'maneuver' the walker around things (instead of running into a wall and turning to look at me and whine). When we got home, he started walking more and more, and within a couple of days, the walker was history (unless he just needed to go faster)!Jack helping... he has gotten so big!Sam and Jake in the woods. Jakes' pretty happy about it, huh? I think it was close to dinner time... and we didn't take a snack cup along for the ride - big mistake to EVER leave a snack cup behind!
Snack time at our house...Jake feeding Sam... (Sam not sharing his)Jake feeding Stormie!Jake took over as 'boss.'Then Sam snatched it away...And has maintained his title!Our big turkey - this is how he came home from school before Thanksgiving. See all the stains on his shirt? The teachers had his jacket zipped all the way to his neck!!!! It was grape jelly from his sandwich... so it was technically BJ's bad (he made the sandwich!!), but I thought it humorous that the teachers tried to 'hide it' until I got him home!!!!! Sam helped me make brownies for his Thanksgiving party at school...And loved every minute of it!This is the reality of life with kids... my OCD-self has had to learn to 'let it be.' At least until the kids go to bed!!!!! My....... how life has changed!!! Mommy put the boys to work... none of them miss the chance to do "man-work!" Can you see Sam's screwdriver???? Jake really just wanted to climb on the ladder!!!My boys!Is that fear on Jake's face???? I'm afraid it was!Sam had such a great time helping us decorate the Christmas tree! So did Jake.... yes, that is a plastic bag in his mouth! We were watching him the whole time... promise!!!Thanksgiving..... Bo slept in the same room as Sam - who got up way earlier than Bo usually does!Playtime with Jack!Jake was saying, "Wait up guys!!!!" The MimiThe Mimi and the Pop PopMe and my (littlest) baby Bo and his kidPlaytime... (yes, that is a pink bubble popper you see in the background - my grandmother was really hoping for a little girl!!!!!!)And we're down (he didn't hit his head, by the way!)And Jake is escaping up the stairs... AGAIN! This kid has stair radar!!!

Now... we're getting into the holiday spirit!

This was Sam's first 'homework assignment.' Looks just like a 2-yr-old did it, huh? Mama and I helped him (he colored it, obviously! We looked at it and said her face looks bruised, so when we finished it and mentioned it anytime thereafter, Sam says, "I bruised her face!" bad!) But all-in-all, I think Sam did a good job!?This is my most favorite decoration in our house (the tree is a close 2nd, though!)And, a little holiday cheer for all!!!!! Most moms wouldn't have even bought the picture, but... these are my kids, and this is my reality! Everyone else has their perfectly dressed kids with their perfect hair and perfect smile on their holiday cards (and are living in a dream world). Not me! This is my reality, and it makes me smile SO BIG every time I look at it - because they are MINE, and I think they're cute!!! (Not because they are in distress - I promise!)

Merry Christmas........ time to get into the holiday spirit - Here comes Santa Clause!!!!!