Adventures, Stories, and of course... PICTURES!!!

Friday, June 27, 2008

The Family Vacation... Dun, dun, dun...

Oh, we made it, and thank the Lord we are home! It was an eventful week to say the least - quite an adventure!

Highlights are as follows:
  • Jake is now crawling up on all fours (hasn't just TAKEN OFF, but he is on the move), and he is also getting himself back to a sitting position from laying down. It's a big deal to me, because he was getting so frustrated being on his back and not being able to 'right' himself again! AND this new-found mobility WEARS HIM OUT! He's taking better naps! Unless I just jinxed myself!!!
  • Sam's bottom two-yr-molars have cut through. I'm hoping this is why he has been especially difficult and WILD these past couple of weeks...... or it could just be the fact that he's two!? At the age of two, everything I say merely becomes a SUGGESTION to him!!! He is also big into the questions: "What is that," "Who is that," and he also likes to announce that "That is a man/lady." That announcement is only bad when he announces the wrong gender.... like a lady has really short hair or looks 'mannish' or vice versa!
  • The trip down was not TOO bad! The kids didn't sleep but maybe and hour of the 6 1/2 hr trip, but were good except for the last 30 minutes! I swear the car was bulging and rocking from the screaming baby and Sam rocking and wanting out! Don't forget the camper was in tow too!!!!
  • Our first day was spent at the pool. BJ went to Camping World to get a few things and brought me back some awning lights! I was so excited to put them up while the kids were napping. It started sprinkling, so we decided to go sit in Bo's camper (the kids were napping in ours and Mama and Daddy's). Mama and I got to Bo's as the monsoon hit. BJ and Daddy (we thought) were waiting a minute. Turns out, they were letting the awning in (now would be a good time to mention that BJ bought awning tie-downs, of which he got one side tied down before I side-tracked him with the lights). He and Daddy were wrestling the awning (and getting the lights down that I had just put up), which ended up flying up and over the camper!!! Yep, just the side that didn't get tied down!!! Sam slept through the entire thing (in Mama and Daddy's camper); Jake did not (possibly had something to do with the awning flying around and whacking the side and top of the camper).
  • Stormie DESTROYED the blinds (before the storm hit) while we were at the pool.
  • And the ceiling leaks where the T.V. antenna is attached, which caused a flood in the bedroom - mopped up at least two inches of water!
  • Nanny went into the hospital the day we left (Friday). Unfortunately, that meant Mama and Daddy had to leave once we had been there only a day to go and see about her (she's fine, by the way - absolutely nothing wrong).

You just thought the first day was exciting... this is where the fun begins... we should have just packed up and left with them!?

  • The second day was our 7th anniversary (feels like only 7 days, but it's years). So, we went out... with the kids.... to Friendly's... in ANOTHER storm! Couldn't find seafood in the 2-ft deep water, so Friendly's it was. It was good, though! Came back to another flood in the bedroom - not as bad (BJ thought he had fixed it), though!
  • OH..... it gets better!!!!! We went to the beach on the third day. Packed up the truck and went for the morning and early afternoon. Came back after only two LOOOOOOONG hours. It was just hard with the truck, sand, toys, sand, Sam, sand, Jake, sand, and BJ!!! Yes, BJ is a sand-o-phobe! He used one of Sam's sand buckets to keep water in it to keep our hands 'washed down.'
  • Sam fell asleep on the way home, for about 20 minutes....... that was ALL we got for the day! UGGGGG....
  • We got smart on the fourth day and stayed around the camper. Much easier!
  • The kids actually did really well on the way home. Slept a lot of the way this time, and no meltdowns! Whew! Home was a welcome sight!
  • I have now done SEVEN loads of laundry (I don't do that much in a regular week!?) - NINE if you count the two loads I did at the campground!!!!!
Lesson Learned:

*** NEVER travel in the camper with two kids on different schedules ALONE! (We didn't do this alone on purpose this time, but we DID learn our lesson!)

*** Also, if we want an eventful family vacation, we can either go to the farm and kick each other a few times, OR we can just park our camper at the neighborhood pool and 'camp' there!!!

The best part....... THE PICTURES!!!

The first of many "wash downs." This kept Sam busy quite a bit. He loved to go to the back of the camper and wash everything down. (The term was coined by Sam himself b/c he watches Thomas the Tank Engine, and Thomas gets wash downs too!)

Jake actually thought the tree was funny! What can I say, it doesn't take much to amuse him!
Meet 'The Reverend "Jack" A Roo Lancaster the First' (yes, that is really his name!). My brother's latest 'project.' He is an 8-week-old black lab - boy. To whom both Stormie and Sam both 'lost their innocence!' He is so cute and friendly, though!!! We love Jack!!!Sam and Jack get along GREAT - and are equally rambunctious! (Note: Sam is crying b/c he hit his head, not b/c of Jack... Jack is trying to console him!)See? They like each other a lot!
More "wash downs!"Off to walk Stormie, Mom! Stormie just didn't enjoy walks quite as much as Jack (and Sam)!
It always took Jake a little longer to 'get going' in the mornings, because Sam wakes up a good hour before Jake is ready. BUT, in the camper, everyone has no choice but to be on one schedule....... which was Sam's!!!!!!Sam ready for the beach!
Ahhh... the beach! Once we got there, it wasn't terrible. It was the prep before and the getting home (and bringing half the beach with us) that was the difficult part!Jake playing with the towel on the towel. He did manage to get a couple hand fulls of sand, but fear not... BJ was there with the wash down bucket and that was really all we let Jake experience of the beach! TOO MESSY!!!But Sam LOVED digging in the sand. He just loves to dig period!
And Jake fell asleep... little guy was worn out!I just love this picture!
And he's up... having fun anywhere/anytime!And it's wash down time again!Daddy needed help...
He was just so cute... washing EVERYTHING down! He would be in the camper and go nuts telling us, "I NEED to go wash down my wagon (or my truck, or my camper, etc)!"Oh! My happy little Jake!

Here are Stormie's blinds. I don't think you can tell the extent of the damage from the picture... and the stuff on the couch, she had to push through to GET to the blinds! That dog!Here's Sam in his bunk bed. He loved getting into his bed. Actually sleeping in it... not so much - too much to do or wash down!!!

More pictures to come later...

If you want to see someone who actually uses their vacation for the better good of mankind, you need to check out the Pilands' website. They were in India while we were attempting a vacation! It's amazing the things they were doing and the places they saw! They are amazing people!( )

The Continuation...

I have officially been excused from Jury Duty until my youngest child is 6 years of age. Thank the Lord! Again, would actually probably enjoy (yes, I'm weird) it, but just can't work it out witht the kids and all... oh! well!

I guess 6 is the magic age? Can they stay home alone at that age? (I DON'T THINK SO!) Or is it b/c they are in the first grade? Is that a magic grade? Either way, I am happy and thankful that I am excused for now!!!!

I will fulfill my civic duties in 5 1/2 years!!!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

It's only 11? In the MORNING?

Man, it's only 11 AM, and I think I've heard "I'm hungry" at least 10 different times!

Today, we have already:
  • Taken a wagon ride up to the 'big playground' and played for 15 minutes before Sam was ready to "Go home and play on Sam's swing set!"
  • Gotten the kiddie pool out and filled it ONE GALLON at a time, played, and decided to get out after 15 minutes! But not before Sam had to tee tee twice (he was too wet to go in, so being a bad Mommy with a boy, I let him tee tee off the deck - I sure hope all the neighbors were at work! The trick was aiming BETWEEN the rails!), threw the towel in the pool that I put at the door to keep wet feet from tracking in, and got water in our eyes at least twice!

  • We have watched Sesame Street (parts), Super Why (parts) and played our video game.
  • All the while, feeding Jake, changing diapers, dressing him, and getting him down for a nap!

I'm beat! I am the one that needs a nap!!!

Here are some new pictures...

Jake is literally smiling ALL the time!

Is it just me, or do I look a little haggard?How come BJ never does?Jake showing me his new pearly whites! The other night, BJ was trying to get Jake to crawl - putting a toy just out of reach. Sam got in the floor in front of Jake and was saying, "Come on Jake. Crawl Jake." When Jake didn't adhere to his request/command, Sam went over and started to pick him up (first time he's really tried to pick him up - good thing he's a chunk!) and said, "It's OK Jake. I'll help you!" (Was this a repeat story? Oh well... if it was it was just as cute the second time!!!)

You know the 'noise' you make when you're saying "no" but it's "unh, unh?" We apparently use that noise/phrase a good bit, because Sam now tells us "unh, unh!" OR, better yet, he'll 'tell himself' when he's doing something he KNOWS he shouldn't... for instance: pulling pine straw out of the flower beds with his hands, tractor, feet, rake... you get the picture. It's a never-ending struggle!!!

OH! And since we have had to take Sam's paci away because he kept getting out of bed which caused the crying like we had removed a limb, he won't even get out of bed when he wakes up - whether it be from his nap or in the mornings! It's quite funny! He'll sit up and just yell for "Mommy... Daddy... Mommy/Daddy!" SOMEBODY???? Ahhhh... We win (for now)!

I have been summoned for Jury Duty! HA! Apparently the county doesn't keep up with my blog!!! It's actually something I think I would enjoy being that I minored in law and contemplated law school - legal matters just interest me. However, I had to write a letter to try and excuse myself. We shall see how that goes. I certainly don't want to abuse the fact that Jake had open heart surgery, but you better believe it was somewhat MENTIONED in the letter! I'm not one to shrug off my civic duties, so hopefully I can fulfill this particular obligation at a later date!

To be continued...

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

We're moving!

Jake's moving!!!! Backwards anyway!!! He's getting better everyday at scooting himself... back!!!! He also has two little teeth! We worked hard for those, but I have my little happy baby back again... for a little while, anyway!!!!! And I swear he KNOWS I'm Mama... and he CALLS for me........ surely, right??????? =)

Sam's latest game is to get up NUMEROUS times once we put him to bed. The other night, we started at 8:30 and ended at 10:30. Unfortunately, that's how long it took for us to figure out that "we are the parents and SHOULD be in control here!" Light bulb moment... again! We finally told Sam he would lose his pi (paci) if he got up again. Oh, he tried it, lost the pi and cried like we had removed a limb! He never calmed down, so we had to give him the pi back on the condition that he DID NOT get back up. He didn't (thank goodness)! I now understand why parents say, "This hurts me more than it hurts you."

Thank goodness, the getting up has gotten better, but we still must remove the pi (only to give it back in a bit) every now and then! It just devastates the poor child!!!!

Last night, BJ told Sam he could ONLY get up if he had to go tee tee! Rookie mistake (even though "this ain't his first rodeo" - as BJ likes to tell me)! Sam promptly came to the door saying, "Sam need to tee tee." BJ took him, and I came out of Jake's room from putting him down at that time. I put Sam back in bed and told him good night. As I was laying him down, he said, "Sam need to tee tee again!" with that SLY smile of his! I told him no way and that he was silly. Reminded him he could lose his pi and left (pleasant dreams, huh?). Then BJ filled me in - no worries - I swatted him upside the head and told him not to think for himself again!!!!! It was only funny because it only happened once!!!!!!!

About 30 minutes later, Sam came to his door again. I think he had dozed off, realized it, ran for the door, then freaked out that he would lose his pi, because when he reached the door, he calls out in a worried voice, "You OK Mommy?" Seriously, no joking! It was hysterical!!!! He was acting like he had heard something and I might need his help!? That kid!!!!!

Today, BJ has a late meeting, so I am on my own ALL DAY and ALL NIGHT! They're both being good so far, if you want to count Sam using his potty seat as a hat, Sam climbing on the back of the high chair while I'm trying to feed Jake - hence Jake wincing expecting the worst b/c he being jarred back and forth while trying to eat, Sam running around and shrieking (one of his latest discoveries), etc, etc as a good day!

Actually, Jake napped good this morning, Sam and I read a lot of books, we played on the swing set, had a friend over to play, pooped (big deal), and Sam is napping now! OH! And Sam has eaten at least three meals so far today! He is constantly in the frig or the pantry saying, "Sam hungry," "Want fruit," or something!!!! When he just wants attention, he just says, "Sam NEEDS SOMETHING!"

We got something in the mail a couple of days ago that totally brought us back to 'reality.' Can we never just live in our dream world of perfect health?????? It was a piece of paper for our records telling us what type of implant Jake has. Ummmmm... I wasn't aware that he got a new heart..... then BJ reminded me that they used a patch for part of the repairs that was some kind of tissue implant. I felt better, but every few weeks we get SOMETHING that reminds us of where we've been, but also of how incredibly BLESSED we are! I guess we've got to get things like this because I'm pretty much immune to the Humana statements that come at least a couple times a week still!!!!!!!! ;)

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Picture time!!! Finally!!!

So I sucked it up and uploaded pictures... finally! Doesn't hurt that Sam's entertaining himself with his Thomas track (I build, he tears down and rebuilds a "Bootiful" track ) and Jake's napping! So here we go...

Remember that I got the four wheeler stuck at the farm awhile back? This is the 'damage'...

Sam, Pop Pop and Stormie cleaning up my mess!
Mimi giving Sam his second haircut! Only a little bit of blood... Sam didn't sit very still!!!
Rinsing the hair off. Sam wasn't TOO big a fan of the cold water! We have a well out there for your water nazis!!!! ;)

Jake watching and laughing at Sam and Mommy!

Sam posing for Mimi on one of his visits out there!

Posing again...

And Again...
And again... progressively getting 'nakeder'!!! Yep...
This was in February when Sam had just started using the big boy potty!!!
Happy little Jake!
Love this picture - DEFINITELY doesn't fit in the cooler anymore!!!
Now he's on the bar in the kitchen!?
The whole fam at Mother's Day!
Sam making a 'bootiful' track!Jake watching!
He's smiling so much, it's hard not to take a million pictures!Jack... the newest member of the family! My brother came home from work one day and said today is the day I will get a dog. And he did! Meet Jack, his little black lab puppy!Couldn't have picked a better one... a dog after his own heart!
Sam watching Super Why... his latest favorite show!Playing outside...
MMMMMAAAAARRRRRKKKKKK from across the street!Sam drinking his water while helping BJ dig up trees... Man Work at it's finest!

Thumbs up!Jake pulled everything from the side of his crib in his fight against sleep. He lost, but this is how I found him!?
