Adventures, Stories, and of course... PICTURES!!!

Monday, March 29, 2010

More from March...

Still going strong in March! I have actually had three jobs, and I have one more scheduled for this week... busy, busy, busy!!! But I am LOVING it so much!!!!

Jake had his cardiology appointment a few days ago, and all looks really good with his heart! Praise God!!!! Dr. Samai says he doesn't need to see Jake for 12 months... then he looked at me and asked if that is ok!!! I told him that if he sees us in 6 months then he will know that it wasn't ok with me!!!! He is such a super guy... he treats Jake SO well, but he also treats mom and dad too... that's what separates the good doctors from the phenomenal ones! We are blessed!

Here are a few more pictures from March...
Mama took this picture of a double-rainbow out their back door... isn't it beautiful? Sam NOT being cooperative with me trying to take a picture of his St. Patty's Day shirt that Mimi made him!
Jake only slowed down when I held him and let go as I was taking the picture!
Here is Jake ready to go see Dr. Samai...
Sam stayed with Mimi and Pop Pop overnight when we took Jake to the Dr. You see how home-sick he is...
I was trying to get a picture of Sam's 'horns.' As he sleeps each night, they just grow... and they are near impossible to get them to lay down! (Yes, he is using the potty... again, he can't move - too much - while I try to get a picture!!!)
Eating cheese from his pizza after his Spring Program!
Seriously... who taught this kid how to get dressed?
At a friend's birthday party - it was a princess party, but the boys dressed up as super heroes!
Crazy Batman!
Silly Buzz!
Here is Jake at the hospital yesterday... yes, I had to take him to the ER... he got a fever that was over 103, and I couldn't get it down with Motrin. He was a sad, sad little boy!
He is fine, and once the fever started coming down, he was back to his cute, social self... talking to all the nurses and doctors. They couldn't help but think he was so precious!
Back at home... in need of a nap - and his Daddy!
Sam eating his birthday cookie (we 'moved' his special day up since BJ is having surgery the day before his actual birthday... he was quite alright with that! Too bad I had to take Jake to the ER too.... carefully laid out plans...)
Well... next comes BJ's surgery day! Wish us luck!!!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Party-ing it Up!

Sam's Spring Program was this past Wednesday... LIVE LOVE
Here's Opa entertaining Jake while we waited for the program to start... Aren't they cute?
Here they come...
His nose is fine - he was front and center... with the mic right in front of him! Sam's class on the front row...
Is it over yet?
Exiting... Jake's turn...
Jake saying "Shhhh" (he hears this a lot!)Back in Sam's classroom...

Brotherly love...
Mimi and her boys...
Me and my boys... (PS - BJ had pre-op stuff on this particular morning, so that is why he is not in the pictures! :-(
Sam and his Pop!Sam's 'gifts' from his Spring Program / Parent Appreciation Day..."From the Mouth of a Child"Sam's silhouette... must have been one of those days that I couldn't get the 'hair horns' to lay down!?And here are a few pics from a friend's birthday party at Monkey Joes...
Fearless Jake!
Driving (climbing on) the car... 'Playing' the video game (he doesn't yet realize they require money... mommy's little secret!)
Back to the car...

Sam 'borrowed' the birthday boy's seat...
And made himself right at home!
Mmmmm...... Cake!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Another 'goings-on' is that Sam is playing Tball! He has only had one practice, but they are so darn cute! He is playing in a church league, and Riley and Kaden (two of his bestest friends) are on his team!

This really is HIS helmet!
Jake DOES NOT understand why he can't practice too! I feel so bad for him!!! BUT... he's happy as usual!
Practice is starting - Sam suited himself up... "I can't see anything Mommy!"
All the kids on his team heading out for their first practice (and one over-protective mother... which isn't me this time!)
Coach Ryan (Riley's dad) talking to the three amigos...
Looks like they're discussing what all they have going on!?

Sam and Kaden out in the field...
Riley at bat...
Sam was very good and didn't move from his 'position.'
I thought this was hysterical... here is the head coach's son - playing with Jake on the sidelines! And his mom BEGGING him to go out on the field!!!
Riley's Papa helping him out...
Did he get bored?
Nope... throwing someone out at first!
Following Coach Ryan's instruction...
Ready to bat...

Rounding third... Daddy helping coach him on home!
Jake cheering for his bubby!

This time he held onto his bat!? The WHOLE way!!!
You know there's more Tball pics to come! Just wait until their first game!!!!!