Adventures, Stories, and of course... PICTURES!!!

Friday, October 20, 2006

No, No, NO!!!!!

I was changing Sam's diaper the other day, and must share this story since we haven't had any good poopy stories lately...

Well, Sam has become a good "helper" when we're changing him. He wriggles and tries to roll over. He also does the worm (you know, the popular dance move - he has potential here =) on his back now too. So, I picked him up and realize that there's a "surprise" poopy in there - I call them surprises, because usually he turns red, grunts and screams with the excretion of solids!!! I take him to his pack 'n play to change him. My mistake, but I undid the straps of the diaper, then started getting the fresh one ready, along with a few wipes to be ready. While I was doing those things (I was standing right over him), Sam starts "helping" by wriggling and grabbing everything. Next thing I know, he's doing the worm and grabbing - oh yes - the diaper!!!! As I'm yelling, "No, No, NO!!!" he's pulling the diaper up all the way to his face - and dragging poop along with it!!!!! I grab the diaper - by this time, Stormie is in there jumping on my leg because she thinks I'm telling her no when I'm telling Sam no... sweet baby - she just wants to please us!!!! So I'm trying to comfort Stormie and tell her it's ok, while still telling Sam to stop (like he listens, but it makes me feel better!) Fortunately, it was a pretty solid doody, so a little got on his cothes, but that was it... I wrestle the diaper from his little STRONG hands, take the clothes off, remove the pad that got the bare butt - with poop - on it, wipe his hands (just in case), finish the diaper change, and finally breathe!!!! Sam, meanwhile is smiling and laughing and having a grand 'ole time!!!!!

I started up the stairs to get him a new outfit, and we're laughing together. I looked at him, and saw DRIED DOODY on his NOSE!!!!! YIKES!!!!! Grab a wipe upstairs to wipe it off, and decided we needed no more surprises... straight to the bathtub we went!!!! He loves splashing around in the tub!!! So, Sam was clean, pooped (as in tired - no pun intended), and so was Mommy!!!!!

Fun times in the Laterveer house!!!!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

yay for poop stories! It's the hallmark trait of being a mom.