Adventures, Stories, and of course... PICTURES!!!

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Hey Jealousy...

It's 10:00 in the morning...

The baby has been up for almost three hours, and I have been up for over three hours...

I look around - where's Stormie??? I look outside to make sure I didn't let her out and forget about her (yes, I am afraid that has happened before - thankfully in the warmer months so I don't find a 'Stormie-sicle' - and she's very good about coming back onto the porch and waiting for me!). No, she's not there. I keep looking and make my way upstairs...

Here is what I see...

Yes, this sorry little thing is still in bed - hasn't even gotten up yet!!!!! And she's on our pillows (which is where she sleeps most nights anyway!)!!!!!!

Let's be honest, I'm just jealous!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving...


My most favorite part of Thanksgiving is that it is the beginning of the Christmas Season!!!!
But, Thanksgiving was great. All that work on the casseroles, and it was over in less than 30 minutes!!!! However, we always have PLENTY for leftovers for a few days and then plates to bring home for lunches...

I have lots of pictures, but they are on Mama's camera, so I still have to get them from her - then I'll share all of the fun and excitement of the weekend...

Until then, these will have to do...
BJ and Sam were playing - hence the "Doo Rag" on Sam's head - he didn't seem to notice or mind that it was there!?
Then, we put Stormie's toy on top of Sam's head - which, again, he didn't notice... except that Stormie was barking at him for some odd reason!!!So he decided to go get her...And BJ threw the toy, which Sam promptly crawled off after... while Stormie watched like "Are you really going to let him play with MY toys???"
Then, Sam started waving it at her and they played together...
And, the best part - the first of many Christmas pictures...I have discovered that he is a much more difficult subject - moving targets are much more difficult to shoot!!!!

And he was spent... until next time!!!


Monday, November 20, 2006

Sharing as I Get 'Em...

Here are more of the pictures from Mama and Daddy's photo shoot...

This is when we went to the park a few weeks ago... it was SO COLD! My baby's nose was turning blue!He had to eat while we were there too... and I was so cold and my hands were shaking so bad that this was as good as it got!!!!

Sunday, November 19, 2006

My tooth hurts...

Well, Sam slept for THREE AND A HALF HOURS on Friday afternoon... which was great for me to get some cooking and other stuff done - but we paid for it that night! He went to sleep at normal time, but decided to wake back up and cry until 11:15!!!! The next morning, I realized that Sam's little bottom tooth had popped through! Yes, it is so... My baby has a tooth now!!!!! So, I believe that he was crying because the tooth woke him up!

Here is Uncle Bo helping feed little man on Thursday afternoon - neither of them like peas, so Bo was telling him it was OK to spit them back out! Great!
On Friday afternoon, Uncle Bo decided that Sam needed to play with the pots and pans since Mommy was cooking... Sam really wasn't too interested in the pot, but loved the wood spoon (in his mouth, of course!)BJ and Sam do the MC Hammer "Can't Touch This" Dance, and this is BJ turning Sam around saying, "Hey, kiss this!" It's really funny in person - when you see BJ, you need to ask him and Sam for a performance!!!
Here is BJ's mom playing with Sam - this is right before he passed out from sheer exhaustion!!!!Here is little man ready for church this morning!!! BJ's mom and Wally were going to go with us, but decided to go ahead and leave to go back to Kentucky early...Here is BJ's mom again with Wally...
We got them to take a picture of the three of us - it's nice to have someone to take one of the whole fam!!!And we can't forget Stormie...My boys...This was earlier tonight... Sam wanted to see what his Daddy was eating!!!

Friday, November 17, 2006

Busy Boy (and Mommy)

Well, Sam and I have been really busy this week - I can't believe it's Friday already!

BJ's mom is coming to visit from Kentucky this weekend, so I have been finishing up the Christmas decorating (which I'll take some pictures of today and post). Bo has come over Wednesday and Thursday - which has been AWESOME!!!! Especially yesterday!

Yesterday, I took Stormie bright and early to the 'beauty parlor' (I'll post pictures soon of her too), came home and got myself and Sam ready for the day. He slept for about an hour and I had to wake him to leave again. We went by the bank for an hour or so to celebrate Cindy's 50th birthday - Happy Birthday, Cindy!!! Then, we picked Stormie up and met Melissa back at my house for lunch! We hadn't seen her in awhile, so it was great to catch up a little with her... the visits are never long enough!!!! Bo showed up soon after Melissa left, and, I'm telling you, I don't know what I would have done without him! He played with Sam and rocked him to go down for a nap... poor child needed one SO BAD! I buzzed around and cleaned and started making my chili for this weekend. Sam slept MAYBE 30 minutes and was up again... Bo rocked him again - to no avail - he was awake and didn't want to sleep. So, Bo fed him his evening cereal. He occupied him for 2 or 3 hours and let me work! It was great! I was counting on Sam to sleep to let me get stuff done - but, obviously, Sam did not get that memo!!!!! I love my brother - and Sam LOVES his Uncle Bo!!!!!!

BJ got home soon after Bo left, and we went to Matt and Beth's for a small birthday party for Eli (they are the ones adopting from Guatemala). No, he's not here yet, but it was a nice celebration. We could tell that it was hard for them, but, at the same time, it was good for them and they needed that!!!! The nursery is absolutely adorable - and EXTREMELY neat!!!!! Keep praying for them and for Eli! We need him home before Christmas!!!!!

Pictures to come later - Sam's ready to get up (I don't know how, because he didn't go to bed until after 10:00 last night!!!!????) He was just totally against sleep yesterday - hopefully today will be better!!!!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

What happens at the bank...

When you go to the bank, as a child, you are ALWAYS supposed to get a sucker, right???? Well, that is true even if you are 7 months old...He wasn't sure at first, but he certainly liked it after a few licks (and we didn't let him have very much of it!!!)They just love to spoil him there - they are really so sweet to him and always want to hold him and play with him - Sam LOVES the attention!!!This is how we showed up at the bank on Halloween... yes, I looked retarded!!!!
Juliet gave Sam a teddy bear - for which he was properly appreciative!!! Look at those legs!!!!

That's all I got right now!!!!

Sunday, November 12, 2006

The Wall of...

Here it is... what I have been waiting for...

It's the Picture wall that I have been "planning" for months!!! BJ got it done this weekend - granted, I still need to add some coloring to the shelves - but they look AWESOME!!!!
This is my favorite picture from our last photo session - hope you can tell something about them!!!???
And here are a couple of pictures that I had on the camera...
It looks like he's ready for a snow storm!!!

Mama just emailed me a couple of pictures that they have taken this weekend... get ready - these are SO CUTE...

Saturday, November 11, 2006

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

All throughout my house...

Yes, it is so. We have decorated for Christmas!!! This is the earliest we have ever decorated, but next weekend BJ's mom is going to be here, then it's Thanksgiving (and we always go to Rome to see my grandmother that Saturday), then it's December - and it would be a travesty if my house wasn't decorated by December!!!!! =)

Mama and Daddy have Sam this weekend - I went out there on Thursday - they hadn't seen him in over 2 weeks because they have been out-of-town! He changes so much in a week's time!!! Mama and I cooked 12 casseroles on Friday... for Thanksgiving and Christmas. We do all these casseroles and freeze them so all we have to cook on the holiday is a turkey - it really makes it so much easier to spend time together with the family instead of cooking all day!!!! Needless to say, we were wiped out! Daddy took care of Sam (and washed dishes when Sam would allow it), so he was wiped out too!!!! And Sam has discovered that if he SHREAKS, then someone is HAPPY to hold him! Should be LOVELY to be in our house through this phase!!!

So, today, BJ and I got up and busted our butts to get the house done - it's still in shambles, but should be good-to-go by tomorrow afternoon!!!! We stopped in time to go out on a date - to that Japanese place at the Mall of GA. It was pretty good... the people were what was entertaining!!!! We were at a table with the reddest red-neck couple we've ever seen, an inter-racial couple and a couple of lesbians!!!! The red-neck guy asked the (obviously Oriental) cook if he was Spanish - and when he said "no," he replied, "me neither!" I almost lost it - BJ and I were rolling! It was a fun date - and we're stuffed! Stormie has enjoyed Mommy/Daddy time as an only child - except for when she was growling in the dining room and BJ (who was in the basement) hit the floor underneath her with the hammer - she couldn't get traction fast enough on the hardwoods in order to get to me! It was pretty funny!!!!!

I'm really excited for Sam to come home and see all the lights! He is fascinated when I turn the chandelier on and off, so I know he is going to LOVE all the Christmas lights!!!!!

More updates later... Fa La La La La La to you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Some Pictures...

Sam is turning into a little boy right before my eyes!!! He no longer looks like a baby to me (most of the time!) Here's my case in point...

FYI - his shirt says: "My Grandparents don't spoil me, they're just very accommodating" (So true =)
Here, Sam has crawled all the way from the other side of the living room, into the kitchen, and has pulled these boxes over that were sitting by the door. It is AMAZING how many toys this child has to play with, and he ALWAYS chooses the boxes, the TV remote, the real phone or Stormie's toys...
This was us ready to go to church last Sunday... Sam is wearing a flannel button-up with a puffy vest and corduroys - he was so cute!
Shifting gears (no pun intended)... this is my brother again. He went to FL this past weekend to race his motorcycle. It still just amazes me that he can drag his knee on the ground going over 100 mph!!!!!

That's Bo in front (orange helmet)!!!