Adventures, Stories, and of course... PICTURES!!!

Saturday, September 29, 2007

36 weeks and counting...

Well, today is 36 weeks... I delivered at 36 weeks and 1 day with Sam! Needless to say, I am in nesting overdrive!!! I have been taking care of Sam all morning because BJ is in Sam's new room painting - he should be done with that today - and we got the border and it is going to look AWESOME with the paint. When he went down for a nap, I went out and cut bushes in front of the house. They were just too tall and bothering me - BJ came out and busted me and got upset with me. Next, I finished that and went to take my shower - decided it was dirty and was on my hands and knees scrubbing - BJ came in and scolded me again!
Normally, this wouldn't be a big deal, but we want Jake to stay in my belly as long as possible so that his heart is as big as possible when he's born... but, selfishly, I would be JUST FINE delivering today! I am extremely large (well, at least this time I am all belly - it's just large to me b/c I can't bend over or get up off the couch without looking like a turtle that landed on it's shell!)! You know it's bad when you have Sam pulling you saying, "Up, Mommy!" Nonetheless, I am trying SO HARD to take it easy and 'relax' (as much as is possible with an 18-month-old), and all that not-so-fun-stuff! But, my mind is still going 190 mph... thinking of stuff I could/should be doing!
All that aside, the pregnancy is still fine. I am over being pregnant, but was pretty much over it at 10 weeks too! All this stuff to deal with (MILDLY swollen ankles, tired all the time, using the bathroom all the time, can't sleep due to the frequent trips to the potty, indigestion, reflux, uncomfortable, inability to move quickly - quite necessary with Sam around - I could go on...) is getting really old! I want my body back!!!! Oh, Well... it could be so much worse, and I realize that!!!!!
Another thing I 'need' to do is update my blog!!!! =) I guess the more I have done before Jake gets here, the less overwhelming I think it will be to 'catch back up'... huh - not likely, but a good thought!!!!
Sam is getting cuter and smarter everyday... I was talking to Mama and Daddy on the phone and was telling them how Sam can flush our toilets now - I see a Sam-blur running from the kitchen to the bathroom, hear the toilet flush, then see a proud Sam walking out... just because he HEARD me talking about it! BJ said, "What's up Homey?" at the dinner table last night, and Sam now calls everyone Homey... that's just a small sample of what this child remembers and notices!!!!! I asked Mama this morning if they had said something to Sam about a girl in one of his books looking like or being a 'dork'... Mama started laughing and said she didn't think Sam had heard her, b/c they were reading and she had said it under her breath! He didn't say anything after she said it... but remembered when he and I were reading that book!!!!!! He's just amazing me everyday with how smart and observant he is!!!!!
All right - Picture time...
Here's Sam in his Varsity hat - Mimi and Pop Pop took him, and he had the best time - I think it had more to do with Mimi and Pop Pop than anything!
Pop Pop saw this Shrek chair, and had to get it for Sam... it passes gas when you sit in it - it's the funniest thing, and Sam LOVES to make it 'Shrek' so that we'll laugh at him...But first, he had to mess with Mommy since I had the camera...
Jumping back in the chair to make it 'Shrek' - yes, I know, it's about as safe as it looks! If he falls out, he usually jumps right back in!!!
Don't think it's all fun and games... Sam has to pull his weight around here!!!! He is helping his Daddy bring in the groceries (Stormie is just trying to see if she got anything - she feels she is tortured enough to not have to do any work! =)And he's helping his Daddy carry the ladder up to his new room to start painting...Geez - you would think a man as strong as Daddy could do this by himself!!!Sam's favorite past-time - reading books! He knows what everything is on every page - right down to the clouds! He is SO smart! He is constantly wanting to "weed"!!!!
Even in the car - we have to have a book!Sam loves his "Baby Jake"! We can ask him where Baby Jake is, and he lifts my shirt and points and says "Baby Jake." And, if we ask if he loves his Baby Jake, he hugs and kisses my belly... so, so adorable!!!!I promise I'm not forcing this on him, he was just pulling his head up as BJ snapped the picture!!! =)

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Little Jake and the Pregnancy

I haven't updated much, if anything about the pregnancy... we have had a lot going on! First of all, the baby (Jake) and I are doing great! I will be 35 weeks on Saturday - just a week away from when I delivered Sam. I have been much better with this pregnancy than with Sam even... just A LOT more tired (thanks to Sam), terrible acid reflux (I told BJ that is his fault b/c I bet Jake will be a hairy baby =) and indigestion. I still have bouts with nausea, but it's not that bad - especially after 4 1/2 months of constant nausea!!! I, so far, have not experienced Fiona feet - or legs (the girl ogre from Shrek) - I think I would have a melt-down since I have to wear shorts and skirts! I have hot flashes and now can TOTALLY understand these women going through menopause!!!!!

We are NOT ready for the baby yet, as Sam's room still needs to be painted and decorated. We have a theme: Planes, but that's about it! I hit a 'nesting' wall last weekend, and we went and bought a bunch of stuff we will need for the baby. I also got Sam some fall clothes once I walked outside the other morning and it was COLD... my baby only has shorts and t-shirts that fit!!!!! AHHHHH!!!!!!! Still have LOTS to do! I will post pictures of Sam's new room as we get it going - the vision in my head is incredibly cute... we'll see about the execution!!!! =)

As for Jake, he is just fine as long as he is in my tummy. We have found out through MANY MANY different doctor visits that he has three heart defects. Of course, we were (are) in shock, and have shed many many tears through this whole process, but, the good news is that it is fixable/repairable, and he will have a normal life once he gets through surgery - baring any complications. He will have to make yearly visits (once we get to that point) to the cardiologist for the rest of his life, but should otherwise be a normal little boy. It should only take one surgery to correct the defects, and we know in advance, so those are both huge blessings! Another huge blessing is Lyndsey Piland. She works at Children's where Jake's surgery will be, and will be in the Cardiac ICU where Jake will be recovering.

Obviously, our family and friends have been awesome! Especially my parents. Bless their hearts - they have literally dropped everything to be at our side. They're there to watch Sam during the NUMEROUS doctor visits and are at the doctor visits too. I just can't put into words just how much they have and are helping and just how LUCKY and BLESSED we are to have the best parents in the world! I really don't know what we would do without them!!!

The love we have felt from friends and other family has just overwhelmed us! God has been and IS so good to us. He has surrounded us by the right people at the right times, and is guiding us and giving us strength we didn't know we even possessed. We couldn't do this and make it through without our faith in Him.

I'm not going to lie... we have good days and we have bad days. I can be doing the simplest little thing and have a break-down. Other times, I feel like I can 'forget' about it and just try and be normal. I think Sundays are our hardest days - mainly because there are so many caring and loving people who just want to check-in on us and love on us... wouldn't have it any other way, though! Sam is an awesome distraction, since he has no clue, and is just his cute little self all the time!

We have created a 'Care Page' to update friends and family on Jake... his exact condition, doctor visits, and, eventually his birth and the long process of surgery - or the wait on surgery, and his recovery and all that stuff.

Here is the link to the page. You'll have to sign in. If you end up having to search for the page, you have to type the name exactly: LittleJakesHeart

We can't say thank you and we love you enough to our friends and family. I'll still use my blog to update on how we're doing, as the Care Page is more of an informational-type of page!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Look at me!

Look at me... two blogs in one week! I found some more pictures!!!

He's such a little ham!
Just like his Daddy... happiest when he's eating!
New games to play at Mimi and Pop Pop's!!!At least he has range!!!Mimi teaching Sam something new...See how fast he catches on?
Hee Hee Hee...And more to play with...
Bye, Bye!He's already driving too! They grow so fast! He LOVES the "Moo"... aka Mule!He's so sweet and thoughtful! And he loves his Mimi!

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

At last...

Well, I quit trying to promise anything until I was actually going to do it!!!! So, here are some new (well, July, Aug and Sept) pictures of Sam!

He is growing like a weed, and he repeats everything we say! He is so adorably cute that I just can't ever seem to get over it! We laugh at/with him ALL the time! Just the other night, BJ was watching Clemson beat Florida State, and he got excited after they scored. Sam got excited too and started pumping his fists and jumping around - then he gave BJ a double high-five! He is just full of cute stuff like that!!!!!

He FINALLY started (somewhat) smiling for the camera a month or so ago!
And posing...When it gets quiet for longer than, oh, say TWO seconds, I know it's time to go see what he's up to... here is what I found - yes, he's in a fish bowl, and he, obviously, thinks it's SO FUN!And that it's a game to get in and out!!!!Daddy's little helper. I didn't get back with the camera quite in time to get him squatting next to BJ REALLY observing what he was doing!Push faster, Daddy!
Always up to no good!Sam loves his big doggie... he is always picking it up and carrying it around!Too bad it used to be Stormie's "safe place"!!!!!! This is Stormie during Sam's nap!!!!!
We like cream cheese now, can you tell?First of all, Sam has to have his milk (Moke) and water on hand at all times; second, I pulled out mine and Bo's little table, and Sam absolutely loves it! He's such a big boy with his milk, water and Cheerios (Chose) at the table!!! What a little ham he is!!!!
Looks are DEFINITELY deceiving right here. It would appear that he is quietly reading a book at his table, but, in reality, he is about to stand in the chair and try to climb on the table - then start running to get into something else!!!!I don't know when/how he learned this, but opening presents is no longer an obstacle!And the best part of the gift... the box!And he is so creative!!!! =)