Adventures, Stories, and of course... PICTURES!!!

Friday, October 27, 2006

The Sam-Date Pictures

Here are the pictures from my post yesterday...

This is what Sam looked like looking at me over his crib rails:

This is Sam and Stormie playing... Well, Stormie trying to keep her toys from Sam. I can put Sam on that blanket, and he rolls off immediately to play!!!???

This is the "OOOO" face... he makes this face all the time! It's so cute!!!!
Then it's right into the BIG SMILE!!!!

OH, and another Sam-date... He got up on all fours today - maybe he WILL crawl for me!!!??? He says "Ba-ba," "Ma-ma," and "Da-da" now too - pretty regularly - but nothing to where I'm ready to say it's his first words!!!! My mom is thinking about changing her name from Mimi to Baba, because he says that the most!!!!!!

Here are some more pictures...

This is the happy family when we were at Nanny's last weekend. She gave Sam this HUGE dog, so we were all laying on it!

Then Sam decided to take Uncle Bo's new motorcycle for a spin...

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