Adventures, Stories, and of course... PICTURES!!!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Nooooo... he can't be sick!!!

I forgot to mention that Sam ate Purell yesterday... he actually cried because it tasted so bad! I gave him a few bites of bread (to absorb the alcohol!?), and he didn't stagger around, so I assumed he was OK!!!

Today was actually our best day yet... Sam still woke up early, but I had Sam dressed, Jake bathed and dressed, and myself showered and ready for the day all before 9:00... AM!!! Sam woke up with a runny nose, though, and by the afternoon he was running a fever! I called Mama and Daddy, and between them and me and BJ, we decided to ere on the side of caution and send Sam to the lake. I hated to do that, A- because I like having the little guy around; B- because I hated to ask Mama and Daddy to drop everything to come get him... again; and C- because he was sick and 'needed his mommy.' That part, however, isn't really true, because when Pop Pop put him in his car seat in my car (just so he could unstrap it), Sam stuck that little lip out and started tearing up. When Pop Pop started putting it in their car, Sam was running all over him trying to climb up in the truck to get in and go!!!! Yeah... needed Mommy!!!! I really hope that it is just teething and not really a cold... only time will tell! He's getting extra TLC and medicine, though!!!!!

Yet another blond mommy moment when I met Mama and Daddy... Sam was playing with the buttons in the front seat while Mama sat in the back and fed Jake. Daddy and I WERE up front with Sam!!! We got out to say our good-byes, leaving Jake and Stormie in my truck. The doors were closed, and I went to get in...ummmmm... it's locked!!!! We tried all the doors - all locked!!! So Jake is screaming (because he's not moving - he must be moving at all times while in the car, which is why I drive over every bump and pump my brakes at lights), and Stormie's barking and whining... she just wants out with us - "don't lock me in with the baby!!!!" It was a freaky moment, not going to lie! Now is a good time to mention that we just traded my Tahoe for a Suburban last weekend - we needed the room!!!!!! =) Lucky thing, because we have OnStar for a year!!!!! My purse, phone, OnStar number........ all locked in the car!!!!! Mama, luckily, had the number in her cell phone, so I was able to call OnStar and have them unlock the car! That was actually really cool - I might start calling them more often about stuff!!!!!! Jake and Stormie fared just fine for those couple of minutes they were locked inside the car!!!! And, as an option on the OnStar menu, it said, "Press 1 if your child or pet is locked inside your vehicle." Apparently this is a regular occurrence!!!!!??????

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