Adventures, Stories, and of course... PICTURES!!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Are-Plane Room...

Look at me back so quick!!!
I had forgotten just how much you can do with a little one on your hip... and how much more you can do while they sleep for MAYBE 30 minutes!!!! I have become the queen of multi-tasking again! Toddlers tend to take that 'luxury' away!!! Multi-tasking at its finest would have to be my trip to the bank the other day. Mama kept Jake at home, and, low and behold, it was feeding time before I could get back... SO, I lugged the "Bessie Pump" with me in the car, and hooked up driving back home!!! I had to stop at a red light and was praying that no one realized why my shirt was poking out so far!!!! You do what you have to do... especially when the child is eating every two hours - there's just no chance to miss those pumps!!!!! =)
Mama and Daddy went home yesterday... bittersweet - I LOVED them being here (it has been six weeks!), but I know they were glad to sleep in their own bed for once! They took Sam with them - bless their souls! BJ and I will get him back on Friday after Jake's cardiologist appt, and keep him for the weekend... trying out this "man-on-man coverage" thing. Then, Mama and Daddy say that they want him back on Sunday and will keep him until Thanksgiving... then I'll be on my own with "the boys!" That sounds so funny to say! I am thinking they may enjoy some PEACE and QUIET, and may not want Sam back!!!!!! =) Yeah, right - they're still typical grandparents and absolutely LOVE the kid!!!!
Jake is continually doing better - especially during the night. He eats and goes back to sleep within 15-30 minutes (there's usually at least one feeding where he refuses to go back to sleep that quickly!)!!!!
Sam has done well with Jake too. Although, when Daddy holds Jake and Sam sees, he gets really jealous - we have heard (but not acknowledged) "Pop MINE" - not an issue with anyone else, though! I had originally said that Sam would be young enough to not 'notice' or 'care' that Jake was here, but he is smarter than the average 19 month old! I'm curious A - how he'll do when he and Pop Pop are separated, and B - how he'll do when it's just me, him and Jake!? It could go either way!!!!
Taking care of the both of them absolutely terrifies me! I just know that Sam is going to need to eat at the same time and Jake is SCREAMING for his bottle too! I am hoping that Jake has gained weight and that I'll get the green light to nurse him... I think that will alleviate SOME of that anxiety!?
OH - and really cool news... we have BASICALLY finished Sam's big boy room - he LOVES it!!! It's airplanes (or "are-planes" as Sam calls them)... so cute... here's some pictures!
BJ painted the million coats of paint before Jake was born... Daddy ended up doing the border (I started 'helping' then Jake 'called' and I had to pump - by the time I got back, it was done! Such hard work!)
There's an airplane fan, and Mama monogrammed the curtains (that, when you ask Sam who made the curtains, he answers, "Bo" EVERY time!!! Not sure why except that he likes to give Mimi a hard time!?) Mama drew and pained the plane on the wall, and Daddy cut it out - it exactly matches the planes on his bed spread!!! We still have some small planes to hang from the ceiling, and we have pictures of Sam actually flying that we're going to blow up and frame for the walls... eventually!

And here's Jake's room for those who may not have seen it (it's the same as when Sam was in it!) Again, Mama did all the drawing and painting and Daddy cut it all out!
More random pictures...

I don't exactly remember WHY his overalls were gone (they are cute Clemson orange overalls), but this is the 'ham' in Sam coming out!!!
But we never lost sight of the fact that Clemson was playing football ("hot-ball") and WINNING!
Our littlest miracle (literally)!

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