Adventures, Stories, and of course... PICTURES!!!

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Hey Jealousy...

It's 10:00 in the morning...

The baby has been up for almost three hours, and I have been up for over three hours...

I look around - where's Stormie??? I look outside to make sure I didn't let her out and forget about her (yes, I am afraid that has happened before - thankfully in the warmer months so I don't find a 'Stormie-sicle' - and she's very good about coming back onto the porch and waiting for me!). No, she's not there. I keep looking and make my way upstairs...

Here is what I see...

Yes, this sorry little thing is still in bed - hasn't even gotten up yet!!!!! And she's on our pillows (which is where she sleeps most nights anyway!)!!!!!!

Let's be honest, I'm just jealous!!!!!!!!!

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