Adventures, Stories, and of course... PICTURES!!!

Sunday, November 19, 2006

My tooth hurts...

Well, Sam slept for THREE AND A HALF HOURS on Friday afternoon... which was great for me to get some cooking and other stuff done - but we paid for it that night! He went to sleep at normal time, but decided to wake back up and cry until 11:15!!!! The next morning, I realized that Sam's little bottom tooth had popped through! Yes, it is so... My baby has a tooth now!!!!! So, I believe that he was crying because the tooth woke him up!

Here is Uncle Bo helping feed little man on Thursday afternoon - neither of them like peas, so Bo was telling him it was OK to spit them back out! Great!
On Friday afternoon, Uncle Bo decided that Sam needed to play with the pots and pans since Mommy was cooking... Sam really wasn't too interested in the pot, but loved the wood spoon (in his mouth, of course!)BJ and Sam do the MC Hammer "Can't Touch This" Dance, and this is BJ turning Sam around saying, "Hey, kiss this!" It's really funny in person - when you see BJ, you need to ask him and Sam for a performance!!!
Here is BJ's mom playing with Sam - this is right before he passed out from sheer exhaustion!!!!Here is little man ready for church this morning!!! BJ's mom and Wally were going to go with us, but decided to go ahead and leave to go back to Kentucky early...Here is BJ's mom again with Wally...
We got them to take a picture of the three of us - it's nice to have someone to take one of the whole fam!!!And we can't forget Stormie...My boys...This was earlier tonight... Sam wanted to see what his Daddy was eating!!!

1 comment:

Anna said...

What a lovely little boy. I feel for him with his tooth - I was at the dentist on Saturday and some crying probably would have made me feel better!