Adventures, Stories, and of course... PICTURES!!!

Monday, September 01, 2008

I Gave...

BLOOD! It's major for me b/c I pass out at needles and blood. BUT, I gave - for Jake! Children's Healthcare of Atlanta is the largest user of blood in the Atlanta area, and Jake received 6 units during is stay at CHOA along with a bag of platelets. Someone gave so my baby could live, so the least I can do is give so someone else (or their baby) can live too. It wasn't so bad!!!

SAM STARTS SCHOOL TOMORROW! I'm not a wreck or anything, just a little anxious. I don't know how he'll do. I can't walk him into his class, I can only drive up and let his teacher get him out, so I'm a bit worried about how he will do with that. HOWEVER, I have been telling him over and over how it will be so that he is prepared. My parents were with him this weekend and Mama told him 'stories' about arriving to school and playing at school and all that fun stuff. He's as prepared as he can be, I suppose!? He'll be carrying his little book bag with his folder all by himself..... he's growing up!!!!!! =( Pictures/the story to come soon...

We took Sam to orientation last Thursday and he did really well. I did too!!!! So did BJ!!!! Sam was holding his crayons and telling us that "These are mine" when the teacher came up to talk to us. When we were done, she picked up the crayons and markers to put them away. After a moment, Sam began to cry... she gave him a sucker and he was fine, but it had to be that she 'took the crayons from him.' Hopefully he doesn't remember that part tomorrow!?

Speaking of growing up... when we got Jake back from my parents, we turned him around in his car seat. He's now facing forward!!!! Both of my BABIES are hitting major milestones in the span of a few days...... my head is spinning!!!!

Sam was sick for a few nights - like, PUKING sick (this was in the midst of HAVING to go to orientation too!!!! Yep, I was that mom, we went anyway!!! Don't tell!!!!). He was OK except that he had a low fever and wouldn't eat. When he ate, he ended up puking. Once in his bed (changed that at 3 AM), once on his 'sick pallet' (AND on me - twice) during the day, and once in our bed (at 4 AM)!!!! YUCK! I believe this was our first bout with VOMIT.... CHUNKY VOMIT!!!! I really believe it was just teething. There may have been a little of something else there, but "Mommy Intuition" says it was really just teething. Nonetheless, we're over it and moving on..... =)

Jake now says "Pop Pop" - no "Mimi" yet (of course!?), and he 'sings' (Ba-ba-ba-ba) and dances. It's so stinking cute!!!!

Pictures and an update on school to come.........

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