Adventures, Stories, and of course... PICTURES!!!

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Day Two...

Sam's second day of school... NO TEARS, no sadness, nothing.... pure excitement!!!! I did just fine too! There's such a hype about the first day of school, and it's honestly harder to see your child upset and have to leave them than the actual fact that "they're going to school!" He loves it, and I am SO GLAD!!!!

Last night, BJ was talking to Sam about school while putting him to bed - getting him excited about going this morning (thanks - he woke up at 6:30 AM!!!). BJ told Sam how proud he was of Sam for being such a big boy and going to school. Sam looked at him and said, "I'm proud of you too, Daddy. For going to school!" That kid!!!!!

On the way to school I was prepping Sam for his potty break. (We practiced standing and aiming at home (BLAH!!!) I went into great detail about going to the potty with his teacher - how HE needed to hold Mr. Winkie and aim him at the water for her. Sam looked at me with the most serious face, held his hands out and shrugged his shoulders and said, "We wish we had a potty seat, but we do not!" HAHAHA!!!! What to say to that????? =)

When I picked him up, I asked the teacher how the potty went. She smiled and said he didn't even go, although they went and tried. OK, no biggie! She backed away from the car chuckling to herself then said, "He actually told me that you had told him to aim 'it' for me!" OH NO!!!!!! I bet she had to have been rolling, because we typically refer to 'it' as Mr. Winkie!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!

Here's what (I think) I know about Sam's second day of school:
  • He possibly made a snake (or did something with a snake)
  • Ms. Shirley sang a song... about a horse or with a horse
  • He had a stamp on his hand, a sticker and a sucker - must have been a good boy
  • He played on the playground and the fish is his favorite (there's only one)
  • He doesn't know what he had for snack (believe me I asked a million different questions and still got nothing!)
  • He didn't use his markers because he didn't want to mess them up
  • His teacher told me he was "serious"..... guess he's not quite himself yet!? =)

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