Adventures, Stories, and of course... PICTURES!!!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Collecting a few bumps and bruises...

Jake has taken a beating this week... On Monday, Sam accidentally hit him square in the head with a big wooden wagon thing - right with the corner. Jake cried, but 'recovered' really quickly. However, the wagon left an INDENTION in his little head. I believe I held my composure quite well (we were at a friend's house), and gave it a minute to see if it would raise up - it did, and the goose egg has come and gone. See? This was just a few hours after the incident!

Today, we got a page at church (they give us pagers so they can get in touch with us if they need us) that said "Please Come." Trying not to panic (we have gotten a few of these for Sam b/c he wouldn't stop crying), we hurry to the nursery area. We weren't sure which child we were being paged for, but a lady met us at the entrance and told us that Jake had fallen and hit his head. That there's a little cut, but he had already stopped crying. He had fallen on the corner of a play mat. Jake's recovery time, I don't believe, is indicative of what could actually be wrong (our favorite 'saying' for Jake is: "I had heart surgery, this is nothing!" b/c he doesn't cry much when he's hurt). We get him back (he was tired b/c of no nap, so a little fussy anyway), and he's just fine. He does have a cut over his eye, a bruise on his forehead, and a 'black' eye. He must have hit really hard.... to have caused all of that AND for them to call us (trust me - the hit with the wagon was bad, but didn't leave nearly that much aftermath!). We signed an 'Accident Report' - that did it for me - I knew then that it must have been a hard hit for them to fill that out! Poor little guy - he's been through it!!!
Mama and Daddy came and kept the boys while we went to a wedding last night. It was a lovely wedding (Congrats Mr. and Mrs. Serio), and it was really nice to have an 'adult evening'..... The boys and Mimi and Pop Pop went to Toys R Us (and surprisingly didn't come back with the entire store), and to Five Guys for dinner....... what more could a little boy ask for??? We told Sam Mimi and Pop Pop were coming while he was eating lunch, but we said that they wouldn't come if he didn't take a good nap (heeheehee!). Sam immediately unbuckled, lowered himself to the ground and started rubbing his eyes saying, "I'm sleepy!" He proceeded to leave half of his PB&J (NEVER does THAT), and went upstairs. Before one of us could get there, he was already in his bed! It was all BJ could do to get him out of bed to use the potty! AND - here's the BEST part - he went right to sleep! It was the funniest thing!!!!!

It rained the other night, so Sam was sad that he couldn't go out and play. BJ took him in the garage and showed him how to make footprints. He yelled to me when I came out, "Look Mommy! I'm making put-frints!" He was so excited!!!!

BJ had to put Sam in time out for sitting on Jake (!?), and Sam sat there for just a little bit. He got up, and when BJ caught him, he asked "Who told you to get up?" Very seriously and matter-of-factly Sam replied, "Jake." Guess Jake has a few more words than we were aware of!?

Sam's teacher called the other day! He will be starting school in just over a week!!!!! I can't believe it! She emailed me a supply list, and I was reading it and told BJ, "He's gonna need a bag.... that HE can carry!!!!!!!!!!!" Boo! Hoo!!!! I haven't cried or anything - I really think he'll enjoy it, and if he likes it, I will too! But I was just picturing my little boy carrying his little bag with him to school!!!!! Awwwwww......

I fed Sam some chicken nuggets in the shape of dinosaurs, and he informed me that he had those at the airport! That was when Pop Pop took him flying a couple of months ago! And he also informed me that Bo had fed him (they had met Bo for lunch)! Wow! That kid remembers everything! Out of the blue, he'll tell me details of something he has done.... like riding in Bo's caddy, riding the four wheeler with whomever, flying the King Air, visiting the airport, etc. If it comes to his mind, it comes out of his mouth!!!! He amazes me everyday!!!!

More pictures...

I was trying to get a picture of Jake's 'Wal-Mart' teeth. Can you tell his two middle ones are missing and it's just his left incisor that's poked through? It's pretty funny!

Jake's pushing and walking.... man - it happened so fast. Seems like he just started crawling!?
This was just a few days after the one above - doesn't take him long!!!!AND Jake can climb UP the slide. Came into the playroom and he was halfway up one time (and for the record, it's not like I leave Jake alone to play or anything - he's just that fast!!!!!)This was one of Sam's favorite toys too!? It's Stormie's Santa Clause... one of her favorites too! Wonder if they still make this one - maybe I should stock up!?
Stormie won... this time ---- actually, Jake got distracted by something else - probably the slide!

Jake being happy... and cute!
Who says I'm old? I do believe we need a bigger one, though - the Hummer was a tight squeeze! (That's Rocky's tail fluffing up in the picture, by the way!) Sam was so funny saying, "Mommy's driving my Hummer!"My 'purpose' in driving it was to go plug it up b/c it was 'running out of gas.' WELLLLL.... it ran out before I made it back to the barn! Daddy was there to rescue me, though, and I got a good (long) push back to the plug!!!!Sam loves his Aunt Jen... and the four wheelers!!!!
Jake loves to ride the four wheelers too! Go figure!Sam and his John Deere tractors... playing in the dirt again!Jake and Pop Pop were laughing at themselves throwing the water bottle back and forth!
Sam is such a good driver now!SOOOO, we let Jake go for a ride too!!!! HAHAHA!!!! Daddy held onto Jake as Sam drove! But he loved it!!!!I get asked a lot what my brother is up to..... this is about it! Yep, that's a tree in the bottom corner, and he was pulling up at this point!!!!! He is a really good pilot!!!!!
And he's into operating heavy machinery... with the help of The Reverend Jack A Roo Lancaster the First!And who says a little bit of Jet Fuel hurt anything? OR that a chimania requires that the fire be CONTAINED? That's pretty much Bo - don't half#$$ anything - it's all or nothing!!!!!!That's about all I got for now...

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