Adventures, Stories, and of course... PICTURES!!!

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Sam's First Day of School!

We made it... or should I say I made it??? Honestly, the build-up was worse than the execution!

Sam woke up asking, "What are we doing today, Mommy?" So I informed him (again) that today was his first day of school, and went through the long scenario of how we would drive up to school, his teacher would open his door, unbuckle him and get him out, he would wave and say "Bye-bye Mommy - I love you!" etc etc. I have a schedule for their class, so I have that memorized and went through all the things he would experience and do at school... all the way to where Mommy picks him back up. I THINK that helped...

Here is the token "I'm off to school" first day pictures!That was enough of that... what's in this bag anyway?
We NEEDED one of Sam and Mommy!!!Then he was off to the playroom - enough of that!This was us ACTUALLY going out the door!
And driving to school. OK, so I took it in the carpool line to drop him off... going down the road proved to be a little tricky and I almost ran somebody off the road (b/c I was in the wrong lane), so I opted for safety over the photo-op!
He did just fine until the lady got him out and set him outside the car to get his bag. I saw the little lip start to pucker, and the lady took his hand and headed into the building with him. Before he reached the door, I heard the sobbing start.

I made it out of the carport and looked down at my lap and saw the camera and said to myself, "I forgot to take his picture!" and I started crying. Guess I needed an excuse!?

After school, when he got back in the car, he had a stamp on his hand (that means he had been a good boy), and a sucker in the other hand. His eyes were bright and I could tell he had had a great time at school. His teacher put him in the car and said that he had been really good, and that she had helped him go potty, but she would like for us to work at home on teaching him to aim for himself. She said she did help him, but felt a little uncomfortable about it. She said she would do it, but to 'let's work on that!' HO HUM....... I have him SIT at home - I don't want him to stand and 'aim' (i.e. spray my toilets and bathrooms!!!!!!) Oh well... guess we'll start - sounds like a job for super dad!!!???? =)

Here he is with his teacher coming back out to the car...

I asked Sam how his day was as we drove off. He was unwrapping his sucker, putting it in his mouth, and responded by saying, "Turn off the radio so I can hear Nemo!" Did that (after I got a please), and couldn't get another word out of him the whole way home!!!!! This is all I got!
When we got home (and I turned Nemo off), I asked him what he did at school. He said, "I sat on a square!" I asked what color it was, and he said, "Blue." He also said, "I got a sucker for being a good boy!"

I think I asked him about 90 million questions, and this is what I know about his day:
  • He sat on a blue square
  • He cried. For a long time? Yes I did. You didn't cry much did you? No I didn't. Why did you cry? Because a lady drug me out of the car. (This was in NO WAY a part of any story or scenario!?=)
  • "I didn't need to be sad."
  • He played.
  • He ate pretzels. But his new friend ate a cookie. He did not. He ate pretzels.
  • He did not sing during music time. "I just stood there."
  • He drew a picture of a red horse and named it Rooster. You feed Rooster carrots. (I'm sure this may have confused the teacher a bit, but Sam actually DOES go and feed a horse carrots when he's at my parents. He named the horse Rooster. Rooster's mommy's name is Chicken. No joke - all on his own!)
  • He had fun and wants to go back tomorrow. (WHEW...)
  • And he wants to know, "What are we doing after my nap Mommy?"

Bless his heart, after he ate lunch, he asked for a nap. His eyes were so heavy that they were pretty much closed before I got his music on and left the room! School is good.....

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