Adventures, Stories, and of course... PICTURES!!!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Oh! Happy Day(s)!

I may be speaking too soon, but as of today, we are all healthy! Woo! Hoo!

Sam was eating lunch the other day and piped up and said, "I'm just giving you a heads-up for Christmas, Mommy." I must have looked at him funny, and asked him to repeat what he said. He repeated it, and I acknowledged how much Santa will appreciate his 'heads-up'!!!!! Where did he get that from? The day before he had started his Christmas list, so maybe I said something then about a 'heads-up'!?

Today, I had the Olympics on while Sam was eating his lunch. I TRY to keep the T.V. off during the day - with Jake that's a little more difficult - but I was curious what was on with the Olympics. It was track and field (yuck!), and they were running hurdles. Sam looked up and asked, "Why are they running?" and then "What are they jumping over?" I explained that they were running for no reason - just racing each other and jumping over hurdles. (my kid - my explanations!!! =) Sam studied them for awhile and replied, "Maybe we can run jump over those tootles later!?" My answer: "Sure we can!"

I always want Sam and Jake to feel that they can do anything! SO, if they want to run jump over tootles later, that is what we'll do!!!!

We used the last of the 'Mommy Milk' yesterday. It's bitter-sweet! If I could have just pumped a few weeks more, Jake may have never had to taste formula (not that formula is a bad thing - it's more that it was a mental challenge to me!). On the other hand, I NEEDED to stop pumping. My body couldn't take it anymore.... and I don't think BJ could have either! Either way - I'm not sorry nor do I regret my decisions. So Jake drinks formula for a month or so... not a big deal!!!! He actually seems to like it! He's such a big boy that I can probably start him on whole milk sooner than later! That will be GREAT!!!! I'm ready to be done with bottles!!!

This is when we went to the farm week before last.... when the boys were getting over their colds. It doesn't take much to entertain them there - just a basket of cut-up PVC pipes!!!???
And then put the crawling baby in said basket to keep him contained.... with the snot sucker to keep him happy!!!Uh, Oh! Big brother spotted him.... I'm hearing the theme song to Jaws here!!!See? Now he's bumping the basket. Checking out his prey!
Yep, there he goes! At this point, I had to put the camera down and help intervene!Now they're back to good again!!! I'm loving the open mouths!? See Sam's "towers" in the background? Sam has a big imagination! I think those were control towers for Jeremy ("Jermy") the Jet!
Jake LOVES the bike! I was nervous at first and walked beside him holding onto him. I got braver and braver, and he was holding on and riding just like a big boy! Awwwww..... Mommy learned to let go a little!Pure concentration!
I forget why he had no clothes on.... he probably puked on himself!!!!Jake has now (barely) become successful with eating puffs and not choking (and mommy having a heart attack while RIPPING him out of his high chair to flip him over to beat his back). SOOOO.... let's not just be happy with that - oh no - it's time to move onto Cheerios!
He's doing WONDERFUL with them! He is so methodical. He picks them up with his two little fingers and puts it in his mouth --- one at a time!It actually can entertain him for quite awhile!!!! If he sees the bag of Cheerios, he goes NUTS.... that Laterveer temper (about food) is coming out!!! ;) Cause we all know I don't have one at all!
Look at me Mom!Hee Hee! I can do it!!!!

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