Adventures, Stories, and of course... PICTURES!!!

Friday, August 15, 2008


AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!! First, Jake gets Rosiola (virus that becomes a rash, but is no longer contagious once you see the rash and know what it is), then Sam and Jake both get colds that last for 7 days (at the same time), THEN Jake got ANOTHER rash - that appeared when we got to the dr for his check-up on Wednesday - so far no side effects, and it was basically gone the next day. THEN, Stormie broke out into hives or SOMETHING last night. She itched all night in between doses of Benadryl - which entailed me or BJ rubbing her constantly to keep her from scratching herself to death. Jake woke up last night for an hour or so (WHILE STORMIE WAS SLEEPING - once we got Jake down, Stormie started again!). Took Stormie to the dr this morning ($200 later, she has a shot and medicine and will be just fine - so they say - she may beg to differ!). Got Jake up from his nap and I thought he was warm so I took his temp. It was fine, but Sam wanted me to take his b/c he didn't want to be left out. HE HAS A LOW GRADE FEVER!!!!!!??? Might explain his wild/out-of-control behavior this morning!? What the heck am I doing wrong here???? GEEEEZ......

I PROMISE I am not making ANY of this up, nor am I exaggerating! It's been THREE WEEKS of this nonsense!?

Onto more fun stories...... pictures will have to come later!!!!

Jake is our "Wal-Mart Baby" as BJ likes to call him (I think it's more appropriate to label him our "Waffle House Baby") because he has FINALLY cut another tooth! BUT - it's the one to the left of his top middle ones (incisor tooth)! So he's a little snaggle-tooth looking!!!! Maybe the middle ones will cut through soon so he doesn't look so funny!!!!!

Sam is already telling me what he wants Santa to bring him (in detail)! He was pooping yesterday, and as we were examining the fact that there was corn in his poop, he was running down the list: a BIG tool bench with BLUE tools (?), a jeep like Mark's (from across the street), and tractors with tracks. Okee Dokee...... Santa's crafty and can do anything, right?????

I was getting onto Sam the other day because he was trying to squeeze behind the crib. After the 10th time, I told him he was going to get a spanking if he went back there again (the 'mommy light' should have come on after the 2nd or 3rd time, I realize!). He looked at me and said, "You don't understand Mommy! Jake's paci is back there!" OHHHHHH..... once I got it out, he didn't try to go back there again. Mind you, HE'S the one who put it back there in the first place!!!!!

That's all I have time to write down for now. Jake's chewing on electrical cords and Sam is upstairs singing to himself to try and keep himself awake - must tend to the kiddies!!!

1 comment:

Nicole Roberts said... don't "officially" know me, but I'm Jenny's friend and I follow your blog from her page. I just have to tell you that your stories CRACK ME UP! :) Keep them coming...I have a little boy too, and there is so much already about him that reminds me of your Sam. I can only hope that Walker will bring as much entertainment!