Adventures, Stories, and of course... PICTURES!!!

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

What are the odds?

How the heck can these two get sick at EXACTLY the same time... isn't one supposed to give it to the other? I thought that was how it works!?

Apparently, I am wrong... again! Sam and Jake both woke up with runny noses yesterday morning, and the day progressively went downhill. Fussy, whiny, needy, you name it! Their little noses running like faucets. At the onset, I had a snot rag for each in a different pocket. About an hour in, I was confused, and figured it didn't really matter if I wiped one with the other's snot rag - the point is I wiped.

Not to mention that I woke up with a sore throat Monday morning too! (BJ's fine, of course - I'm not bitter... well kind of, but at least he can work with a clear head!)

To top off my day from H-E-L-L (does it count to just spell it on the computer too?), BJ's brother called at 4:30 and said he and BJ's dad were coming to load some furniture from our basement in a bit. SO... that entailed me outside with a squirming baby (that I couldn't put down b/c they had just treated the grass), and a running and super-busy toddler to chase while BJ helped them load the furniture (in a U-Haul van that it BARELY fit in)!!!!! UGGGG.... After that, I had to run to the drug store (ALONE - AHHHH) and pick up medicine for the kids. $40 later, I was home and it was bath time. BJ and I finally got to eat dinner at 9:30 and CRASH.... SOOOO healthy!!!

This is following a marginally sane weekend (the kids were - now I know - starting to get sick) and a TERRIBLE day Friday. Put it this way... BJ walked in (early - early for BJ is 5:30 - b/c I was going INSANE) and Jake was screaming, Sam was screaming, and I was getting onto Sam for telling me for the 10th time that he needed to poopie and he didn't really have to go. Yes, it is for attention. Mommy has to drop everything when he says he needs to poopie. Ugggg.... I still say it's better than the alternative (him poopie-ing in his pants for attention). But COME ON!!!!!!!!!

After quite a few long days in the Laterveer household, I now understand why Moms can potentially go off the deep end.

On a lighter note, I have created a time-out jail for Sam (a baby jail just big enough for him to sit in). It's in a room where he can't see us, and he's all alone and he can't get out. The first time I used it, I put him in it and went to the bathroom just around the corner. Jake crawled into the bathroom of course, and then I hear Sam's voice awfully close. Look up, and there he is, time-out jail and all. He walked around pulling the jail with him.... Sighhhhhhhh....

This morning, I went back upstairs to get Jake out of bed while Sam finished his breakfast. As I'm up there changing him, I hear Sam yelling, "Don't you play up there without me!" HAHAHA!!!

Today is a new day - hopefully a better day.... assuming naps go well! Let's all take a moment and pray!!!!! =)

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