Adventures, Stories, and of course... PICTURES!!!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

A Mother's Intuition

Stormie is doing so much better. Thank goodness. I had read about pancreatits, and it's apparently life threatening! NO!!!! She's too young!!!!

When I took her in for her blood work, I asked the Dr. if he could give her anything for the pain. Since Sunday night, she had been drawn up, tight and quivering. Not to mention groaning, grunting and crying. He told me they really didn't have anything b/c it would react with the pancreas and harm her instead of helping her. Then he said, well, there's one that we COULD use. I told him to give it to her! That night (Thurs), she started improving. She even wanted to play with her ball! The kicker would be when the shot wore off in 24 hours or so. GOOD NEWS... she's still doing fine! My thought was that if she could just RELAX and find some comfort that that would help her more than anything. I am SO GLAD I went with my "Mommy's Intuition" on that one! I know my dog and my children better than anyone...

Thank the Lord for Intuition and those 'gut' feelings!!!!!

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