Adventures, Stories, and of course... PICTURES!!!

Thursday, February 14, 2008


We ended up in the emergency room at Children's last night - not with Jake (thank goodness) but with Sam (still not good). His temperature soared to 103.9 and he puked some more. We couldn't get the fever down with a cool bath, cool cloth (which Sam didn't like anyway) or Tylenol. We called the pediatrician after hours line, and the doctor recommended taking him to be checked out.

So we did. We got there, and due to the contruction, I had to walk (outside) all the way to the other end of the hospital from where BJ dropped us off (at the Emergency Room ENTRANCE SIGN). I walked into the tiny waiting room, and there were MAYBE four empty chairs. It was PACKED, and SO GROSS! It just felt so clostrophobic and extremely germy to me. Once the toothless male nurse asked us what was wrong, we were sent to wait... and wait...

A nurse came to get us - YAY! And took us to another waiting room (Uggg!). At least this was in the new part of the hospital, and there were only two other families waiting with us. They got called away after half and hour, and we were alone - wondering if we had been forgotten. Another family came in (with FIVE kids), and we waited... and waited... finally, we got taken back at 9:00. And we waited...

They took Sam's vitals. Temp 100.9 and heartrate 160 (I think he was apprehensive of the Gaylord Focker nurse). He took the temp under the arm, and I was still working on Sam's arm to get him adjusted right when he removed the thermometer. I KNOW he didn't get a true or accurate reading - in hindsight, I should have asked the doctor to take it again... lesson learned. The doctor came in, talked to us, listened to Sam and diagnosed an ear infection. Yep, that was all it was! I didn't know puking could be a side effect of an ear infection. Whatever! They never gave him ANYTHING for his fever, or to get him started on the antibiotics for the ear infection. Hindsight again: I should have insisted they give hime SOMETHING! Many lessons learned.

We got discharged at midnight and headed home. I thought I had Motrin at home to nip the fever issue, and told BJ Sam and I could run to the pharmacy the next morning for the prescription. I had no Motrin (I have already been to the pharmacy, and have plenty of stock of Motrin now). I can't believe I didn't think of that earlier in the day - I swear by Motrin! I guess I was still in Jake-mode, and he can't have Motrin yet! Another bad mommy move!

Sam slept with us last night for the first time ever (in our bed). We did all right. He moves a lot, and likes to turn sideways in his sleep, so I had to keep readjusting him. He woke up at SIX AM! And DID NOT go back to sleep! WHAT????? I thought SURELY we would sleep in since we didn't get in bed until 1!? Nope! He has been wide open all morning - a side effect of the lack of sleep more than anything. The fever is down to 99.8.

What an experience! The biggest lesson of all that I learned: Take him on to the doctor during the day if there is a remote possibility that he won't be OK by evening!

I still think it's amazing at God's timing. All of this going on, and Mama and Daddy have Jake - thank the Lord! What would we have done with Jake????? Well, one of us would have had to stay home with him (or in the car)... I COULDN'T have taken him into that emergency room! And it's the first and only time Jake has been away from me! WOW!

Sam is on the road to recovery now...

Jake goes to the cardiologist tomorrow!

Here we go............. or keep going..............

Oh! But wait... there's more!!! As I was finishing up typing, Sam woke up (that was 1:30 - he slept for MAYBE an hour). We have since been to the doctor, and I have been holding him and baby-ing him all night. Our doctor actually examined him and looked in his throat - the ER doctor never did that!? What the heck - I'm so exasperated with that ER right now! They even gave him a dose of Motrin while we were there... and I didn't even have to ask.

He has Herpagina... it's basically ulcers/sores in his mouth. It's a viral thing that is passed through spit (cough, drool, sneeze,...) or through the air (hugs can spread it too), and is usually accompanied by an ear infection and high grade fever, amongst other things. We basically must ride this out, which usually lasts 3-6 days. The doctor also instructed me to keep Jake as far away as possible. So, on top of Sam being SUPER clingy (which is ok, b/c I just want to love on him and pet on him), I can't be around Jake - especially since my parents have him, I won't even get to see him for a few days! DOUBLE UGGGGGG....

We can't seem to catch a break here! Mama and Daddy have said they will take Jake to his cardio appt and meet BJ there - who will only be able to look at him and not touch on him since he and I are both probably carrying the germs. This is most prevalent in infants and children under 5 - adults can carry it, but it's more rare that they display symptoms.

What's a mommy to do???????

Happy Valentine's Day!

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