Adventures, Stories, and of course... PICTURES!!!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Potty Training in 'Less' Than a Day

Yeah, right!!!!

Mama potty trained my brother and I in a day, so of course, that's what I'm attempting with Sam. I researched no other methods, and only read this book that was printed in 1974. Ignorance is bliss sometimes... or my demise! I'm not sure if it worked - only time will tell...

Sam and I began our potty training journey this morning... right off the bat, we ran into a road hump. The 'pot' part of the potty was WAY too small. Mr. Winky poked right out over the cup (right at me, actually)... no, thanks! Emergency Target run ensued. $150 later (there were a 'few' other things I decided we needed - must have been an emergency too!?), we were back home and in our big boy underwear again. Literally, I put the underwear on, Sam ran behind the table and announced that he needed to poopie. I ran to him and attempted to get him back to the potty. Poop in the underwear, on the floor and on the potty... but not "IN" the potty! Uggggg....

I had him in the bathroom 'helping' me empty his underwear into the toilet. He already had on clean underwear at this point, and he was standing in a puddle on the floor. Yep, he tee teed right there. We hadn't even gotten started good, so I couldn't do more than clean him up (again) and start over fresh!

After all of that, he only had a few accidents, and tee teed in the potty a lot more than he had accidents. Success, right? Wrong. He took a three hour nap (that was great, b/c I was exhausted too), and woke up 'refusing' to tee tee in the potty. I would sit him on it (talking the whole time, of course), he would get up and go wet his underwear a minute later. We did this for an hour before he FINALLY tee teed in the potty again. I felt like a complete failure and was laying on the floor in tears - on the brink of throwing in the towel and putting diapers back on him. Once he FINALLY tee teed again in the potty, he didn't have anymore accidents for the rest of the evening! YAY!

I know I'm not out of the woods with accidents, but the 'success' of the day is that Sam doesn't like to wet his pants. I'm not sure that he quite understands the 'urge' to tee tee, but we're getting there. He cries when he tee tees in his underwear! Hooray!!!!! By the time BJ got home, we had practiced "running" to the potty so much that he kept saying, "Need practice!"

Now, let's see if he remembers all of that in the morning... I sure will!


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! I feel like I got Tammy into this! Yes, it did work for her and for Bo. I, too, felt like a complete failure both times. I just knew I had wasted that day and I cried a lot too. But--they woke up from their naps and remembered! Of course, we were a lot closer to the 1974 publication date. Yes, there were accidents to follow, but they got the gist of potty training! Now, I know that Sam is the smartest little boy around and he got the idea too--the question is--when will he want to put that idea to use? You can bet that he will remember everything Tammy taught him and the light will come on! Tammy, you are NOT a failure! You are the BEST MOM in the world! Just wait, you, too, will look back on this day and remember how hard it was, but that it was totally worth it and that you would do it all again because you had SUCCESS! Just wait, you'll see! I know my girl and I know my grandson--Totally awesome and TOTALLY SUCCESSFUL!
I love you!

Kimberly said...

Good luck Tammy! I hope tomorrow goes well. It sounds like you are well on your way. I've heard putting fruit loops in the potty for the little boys to "aim" at helps too! Just an idea if you and Sam get bored tomorrow (Ha Ha)!

Anonymous said...

Now these are the times that we need photo documentation! I want pictures of Sam's little fanny running into the bathroom.
Good luck, I know you two will do great!
Love ya, Jen