Adventures, Stories, and of course... PICTURES!!!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

More Tears...

Of joy this time, though!

Sam is down for his nap... and we have had NO ACCIDENTS today! WOW! It's absolutely amazing!!! I feel like I'm on cloud nine now! No poopies today, so that will be another hurdle we must conquer! Something I forgot to add about potty training... no one (not even the book) mentions that you have a toddler running in circles, literally, and yelling and playing while you're trying to keep them focused on the potty... quite entertaining (now)!

So Sam got up today (at the crack of dawn) and began tee tee-ing in the potty. We did great until about 11:00. We had been in the playroom (potty right there), in the living room, in the kitchen.. all over - no accidents and chugging right along. Sam started getting clingy and asked to watch T.V. OK - that has NEVER happened! He just wanted to sit in my lap and watch cartoons (he's never SEEN cartoons!?). I thought he may be a little warm, so I took his temp. It was 101.4! So we started into the bathroom to take Tylenol. As we entered the bathroom, he PUKED! This was our first experience with puke (beyond normal to excessive baby spit-up!) --- YUCK! I about GAGGED trying to clean him and me up! Sam wouldn't even take his Tylenol, and he LOVES to "take medicine!" I held him and rocked him - he cried and cried. Finally, he settled down and just laid there for an hour or more. I couldn't put him down because he would cry. So I held him and rocked him. I did, however, get some Pull-Ups on him so we didn't have to deal with accidents or the potty while he was sick. And, do you know - he never had an accident through all of this? WOW!
He finally got ok with me putting him down, so I made him a pallet on the floor so he could watch cartoons (???)... then, Elmo had to watch with him!? Yep, Kodak moment...
This was not staged one bit, I promise! Stormie was keeping her eye on Sam (and Elmo) too!
I did get some Chicken Noodle Soup in him (a little) and some water. By naptime, he was wide open again!!!! How the heck do kids do this? He still had a temp of 100.8 when he went down, so we will see how he is when he wakes up!

I don't know - I can't even begin to analyze where this came from. All I can say is that God takes care of us... Jake is at Mama and Daddy's so I can focus on Sam and his potty. And it's the first time he has been away from us since he was born! God is good, that's for sure!

Here are pictures from potty training and the last week or so...
Sam trying on his big boy underwear... and showing us his Buddha (sp) Belly!
Oh! Yes! He is a Ladies Man!!!Yep, and that is his hand in his pants... typical man!Our little "Heart Breaker"This picture was taken at Sam's request. Now, when he does something 'cute' he says, "Take Picture" --- think I have the camera out quite a bit or what???

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Told you so!
I love you,