Adventures, Stories, and of course... PICTURES!!!

Monday, January 01, 2007


WOW! It's a new year already... it seems like just yesterday that I was looking at a new year full of baby showers and a baby (that, little did we know, was going to be born a month early!)!!!! Man, it has flown by!

2006 came with so much anticipation, and has gone with such contentment and a sense of accomplishment!

I say that, because, after such a 'hard' labor and delivery, I have the most beautiful and perfect son a mother could ever ask for! BJ has completed all of his tests for his architectural license... we are just awaiting the results of his last three!!! So, Lord willing, he will be a licensed architect before he turns 30! I have held a job for a full four years and have now seen retirement in '06; Mama and Daddy are, yet again, looking at selling the lake house - we'll see if it happens this year!!! =) Bo is as much a dare devil as ever with his flying and motorcycles - and his latest purchase of a 4-wheeler (and the $75 jet ski - funny story - we'll see if it even floats!!!); Brandon is in the midst of his Junior Year at Florida State - and is making the Dean's list each semester; BJ's dad and Inny moved to Midtown this year - right where they belong... All is right with our little world!!!!!!

2007 is beginning with anticipation again, but of a different calibre! Anticipation of being parents and where we'll be this time next year! With God at the helm, I just know it's going to be another great year for our family!!!

New Year's Resolutions for 2007...

I don't really ever make those - I kinda do them all year long, because, as soon as I make them, I get distracted and break them! Last year, I started reading the Bible all the way through and have made it through the June section, so, maybe I can do the next 6 months worth this year!? We shall see! As always, I want to be a better Christian and work on my relationship with God... I wonder if God's "Inbox" looks like the gym for the first couple of months of the year????? Crowded, then dwindles back down to the devoted by March or April... I want to be of the devoted crowd!!!!

Anyway - I hope everyone has a fresh new start for 2007 and that it brings as much happiness and contentment and I am feeling right now!!!

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