Adventures, Stories, and of course... PICTURES!!!

Saturday, December 23, 2006

We are THOSE idiots!!!

Oh! Yes! We most certainly are!!!

OK, so the mall is mass hysteria this time of year, right? And what good mother that has no job other than her beautiful and perfect son HASN'T taken him to see Santa???

Oh, that would be me!!! I know he's 8 1/2 months old and won't remember, but I can't start out my first Christmas as a mother without taking my child to see Santa!!!

Let me first preface by saying that we attempted to see Santa Thursday night in Athens... and, let me admit, my heart LEPT when I saw that THREE people were in line. We jump in line, and a HAPPY elf tells us that the lady in front of us is the last one because Santa has to go to supper!!! Are you kidding? My little baby does too... what's one more little picture going to hurt???? Isn't that why Santa has a gut anyway? To get him through the holidays on minimal food and sleep?????? COME ON!!!!!!

So, anyway, that is why we ended up at the Mall of GA on Friday (which, I would have gone earlier in the day, but BJ 'read' Santa's hours the other day and said he doesn't get there until 1... ummmm... that was his BREAK HOURS!!!!)

I say WE are idiots, because BJ was with me, but he was only there in body... I think he went into his happy place somewhere between sitting in traffic on Gravel Springs and 'fighting' all these professionals (WOMEN) in the parking lot for a space! I was telling him how to do it, but he refused to be "that guy"!!!!

Nonetheless, we did it - we waited for almost THREE hours (Santa decided he needed a break about the time we got in line - oh, no... that's when we thought he GOT there!!!!!!!!!!), got run over by other idiot parents pushing strollers, and finally got a REASONABLE picture with Santa...

I am sorry to say that I didn't do the CD, so, if BJ will ever recover, maybe I can talk him into scanning the picture so I can post it... he is definitely STILL in his happy place right now!!!!

Sam was GREAT the whole time, though! He was so interested in everything going on around him, and Santa just fascinated him! His Santa picture includes his oh-so-famous "OOOOHHHH" face!!!!!!!

I remember last year walking through and seeing the never-ending line and thinking "Those poor people..."

Well, poor me this year!!!!

New Year's resolution: plan better next year!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

chris said...


I am Chris Aarsen from the Netherlands and i was a roommate of Bo in 1973 in Orlando. Can you maybe send me his telephone number to so i can call him?

Chris Aarsen