Adventures, Stories, and of course... PICTURES!!!

Monday, January 08, 2007

Here's to a New Year...

Well, I must spend a moment looking back at 2006 before I look on ahead...

Highlights / What I've learned from 2006:

- Ummm.... SAM was born!!!!!
- OK - that's it, that was easy!!!

No, really, that was huge and the bulk of the year, but there's a little more!!!

- BJ finished his tests for his Architecture license... we're just awaiting the results, then he'll be a REAL LIVE Architect!!!!
- God is SO GOOD - and He truly DOES provide when you are following His will and are in need!
- I have learned the secret to staying young... DON'T have kids - they wear you out!!! And I swear I have aged!!!!
- What the heck is Emo???? Not ELmo, but Emo??? This was news to me, and it has apparently been around awhile... mmmm...
- Babies really do change everything - light bulb moment: when we realized that where we are IS NOW normal for us - waiting for normal to COME BACK will be in vain!!!!
- Babies really are as much work as everyone says they are --- but SOOOO worth it!
- Working is for the birds! I love this retirement thing!!!!! And I still have my youth! It's great! Although, I will say that I work harder now than I ever did!!!

2007 has a lot to live up to - 2006 has been the best year ever!!! But bring it on!!!!

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