Adventures, Stories, and of course... PICTURES!!!

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Happy New Year!

A new year always requires a reflection of the past year, what I liked, didn't like, would like to do better, etc. I'm changing it up a bit - why look back, when you can look forward? Last year at this time, we didn't know we would even be having a child, much less what all God had in store for us! It was a great year and a very hard year, and we'll just leave it at that!

We rang in the new year at the Peach Bowl (Clemson vs. Auburn) game... well, in the parking deck. We had backed in so as to have a quick and straight shot once we were ready to exit. Everyone went left, so we went right - like we knew something they didn't. OK, so we toured the rest of the deck we had not yet seen, then found ourselves back in line... at the VERY END of the line! We could see where we would have been, and realized that we would have been out of there at least 30 minutes sooner had we just stayed put. What's the fun in that? Had we not toured the deck, we would never have met drunk guy... there was a group of people that thought ahead and were ringing in the new year right there at their car. Their minivan was decorated inside and out for the new year! We first noticed them as this lady was trying to pop the cork of their champagne bottle not one foot away from this guy and had it aimed directly at his head. She got lucky (well, he did) and it didn't pop off and clock him in the head. One of the partiers in the group was drunk guy - not his real name, but the name we gave him =). They were throwing a football, and it bounced into our car (we were in BJ's little commuter car). He came over to apologize, so I let my window down a bit and we talked a bit - he had VERY slurred speech - he offered us a shot, drink, etc and went on his merry way. Later, after the new year had rung, we were still sitting in the same spot (all the cars where we HAD been had gone already), and drunk guy came back over to talk. I rolled the window down again, he offered us more drinks, talked and was about to walk away - thank goodness, because he wreaked of cigarettes and was spitting ALL OVER me by then (and I only had my window 1/2 way down) - and he saw me reach to crank the window back up. He said (amongst some choice words), "You have crank windows!? I haven't seen those in forever - HEY Yall, you gotta come see this! They have crank windows!" It was hysterical! We laughed about it the whole way home! At first, I could see BJ start to defend his little commuter car, then he just decided to let it go and roll with it (or crank with it, I guess)! I suppose it wouldn't have been as funny if he was making fun of us and that was all we had - again, God has blessed us with things AND a sense of humor!!! We love our little car with crank windows, though!!!!!! Especially when BJ pays $30 to fill it up!!! Nonetheless, it was a great story!

This year, we plan on nothing big - that's our "resolution" if you will. No moving, no more kids (ever), no new cars, nothing major... just maintaining and surviving... that's it!

Sam and Jake are cute as ever. Jake is smiling and kinda laughing at us - he sticks his tongue out at us... it all just makes us melt! I love that little guy! Sam is a mess! We moved my office to what used to be the formal living room (which got moved downstairs) to make a playroom for the boys... seems to be the trend amongst a lot of our friends, I hear! We were just over-run with toys - so, that was the answer! I love it - as does Sam, and I'm sure Jake will too one day!

Funny story from before Christmas that I couldn't tell... I got into the shower while Sam was playing in my bathroom. He got quiet, which is usually not a good sign - but I just thought he was playing with his book. I stepped out of the shower and he was sitting there smiling at me and held up a diamond earring that Daddy had bought for Mama for Christmas!!!! I freaked out and quickly grabbed it and told him thank you and immediately looked at the box for the other one that I just knew was in the toilet or in his belly! Luckily, it was still in the box! OH! MY GOSH!!!! I just knew I was going to have to go buy some new ones! Daddy had entrusted me with those to bring to the house at Christmas, and we had put them in our closet. Sam had gone in there, UNWRAPPED them (it was shiny gold paper that must have caught his attention), and took them out of the box! And in his defense (once he had opened them), Mama had let him play with an EMPTY box that looked just like it at their house! This child misses nor forgets NOTHING!!!! It's funny since nothing happened!!!

I have lots of pictures from Christmas (well, Mama does - they're still on her camera) that I will post soon. We bought a new camera with our Christmas money, and I have already taken a bunch of pictures... just gotta download them! I am so excited about my new camera! Guess I'll be taking even more pictures this year! YAY!!! I have two PERFECT little subject... that I need to get pictures of before they get old enough to tell me to stop!!!

Happy New Year!

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