Adventures, Stories, and of course... PICTURES!!!

Monday, January 07, 2008

Stalling now...

I just put Sam down for a nap (only took 45 minutes - that seems to be our average these days), but he has discovered the art of stalling! He would lay there and talk, then he said, "Take you outside?" (You being him). Of course I answered him, and by the 10th time he asked, I remembered that I am the adult and told him to hush. Then he started telling me he had a poopie diaper. I checked; no, but it was wet, so I changed his diaper for him (mind you, he could care LESS if he runs around in a dirty diaper all day). MAN, fell for it again! THEN, he started putting his fingers in his mouth and telling me his teeth hurt and he needed medicine (again, he NEVER tells me his teeth hurt - I always have to figure that out on my own!). So, I got him some medicine for his teeth... yep, I fell for it yet again! After he asked me about 10 more times for teeth medicine, I had to get stern and MAKE him lay down which eventually leads to sleep! So I've created a monster, I'm afraid!!!

BJ took Sam to the farm on Saturday then to McDonald's for his first Happy Meal. All of which brought him up to ROCK STAR status for the weekend. No tee tee-ing in the grass, though... much too cold for that on Saturday! Jake and I stayed home, and I cleaned house... well, Jake helped vacuum in the Baby Bjourn!!! Next time, I'M going to the farm! I was wiped out - Jake's a whopping 12 pounds now - killer on the back!!!!

I took Sam for a ride in his new wagon outside this morning - it was SO NICE outside... I had him in the wagon and Jake in the Baby Bjourn - and Stormie following (with no leash, b/c I had to carry my coffee too - my liquid crack!). Sam looked up at me and said, "Sam excited!" I said, "About what?" and he replied, "Sam excited 'bout WAGON!" He is so good at communicating... I just don't think this is typical of a normal 21-month-old!? Yesterday, he had Ernie in his hand in the carseat, and he told us Ernie was excited... we asked about what, and he said, "Going to Target!" It's the little things!!!!

Today, I stuck my tongue out at Jake to play our usual game - he always smiles at me when I make faces - and he LAUGHED at me! It was his first real laugh! It was the most precious laugh I have ever heard! Absolutely melted my heart! I can't believe he is 3 months old already! And last night he SLEPT for 7 straight hours! We're getting there! I didn't, because I woke up at 4:30 like clock-work... Jake had started moving, so I just knew he would be awake by the time I could get the bottle warm. By the time I got back, he was asleep again. I was up, so I went ahead and pumped and went back to sleep!? My darling husband woke up with him at 5:30 and fed him and put him back to sleep so I didn't even have to wake up! I have to adjust back to sleeping again, I guess!!!!

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