Adventures, Stories, and of course... PICTURES!!!

Monday, March 26, 2007

Here's why...

OK, so here's why I have been awful at updating my blog and posting pictures...

I am pregnant again!!!!!!

Yes, it was planned, but, as I get further along, I am wondering what the heck we were thinking! I am due October 27th, and am about 9 weeks along now... we had our first ultrasound Friday, and everything looked great! I am EXTREMELY tired (partly due to Sam, partly to baby #2), but I figure that I need to learn to function in this state of tiredness for the next few years!!!! I have had morning sickness again... all day!!!! It's not quite as bad as when I was preggy with Sam, but it's harder, I think, because I am chasing Sam constantly! I have actually been napping (hence, no computer!), and Mama and Daddy have been AWESOME!!!! I go out there one or two (sometimes 3 or 4) nights a week, and they take care of both me and Sam! I am so incredibly blessed to have such loving parents!!!!! They are DEFINITELY the busiest retired people I know... between me and Sam (Mama has done laundry and cooked and all that fun stuff), going and helping Bo with stuff, both of their mothers at different ends of the state needing something or another, and keeping up their own home, they are BUSY!!!! BJ says he's the lowest maintenance of us all.... yeah....

Anyway, that's my excuse! I'll still try for updated pictures soon - right now, I need sleep!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
