Adventures, Stories, and of course... PICTURES!!!

Friday, March 09, 2007

Sam-date time!

With Sam, there is always a need for an update... so, here we go!!!!

  • He is walking around with his walker and all around the furniture! Last night he 'accidentally' took his first step alone - he was walking between furniture and had to let go of the couch to get to the chair! Won't do it again, though!
  • He pushed his plastic toy box over to the couch the other day, climbed on top of them and onto the couch! I was right there just seeing what he was going to do with it, but he looked like he had been doing it forever. He later thought he should push the boxes over to the baby jail wall and tried to climb over to the fire place... oh, what he learns SO QUICKLY!!!
  • He called 911 yesterday morning! The Gwinnett county police called me back, and I had to explain that my baby called them and there was no emergency! They probably thought I had a 2 or 3 year old!!!!
  • Sam fell and got his first bloody lip and chin... it was so sad (and scary)!!!!! He then scratched over his eye after his morning nap, then got the other eye after his afternoon nap... needless to say, he looks abused!!!!
  • He has now started pointing at EVERYTHING!!! We were in the grocery store and pointed at every balloon we saw... Mimi and Pop Pop got him three, and he LOVES playing with them!!!
  • He has an arsenal of words now: balloon, Mimi, Pop Pop, Big, Ba for bottle, bana for banana, hi, bye, ball, bang, Rock, puppy, , EEEEE and AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!
  • He also doesn't want to be rocked to sleep. He pushes me away, I lay him down (for nap or at night), and he lays there and, sometimes he plays awhile, and sometimes he just goes right to sleep!
  • He's so smart, obviously, but he is so much fun to watch explore and discover things!

Sam and I are at Mama and Daddy's, so I don't have my recent pictures, but, I promise to post some soon!!!! He's gotten so big! He weighs 25 lbs, and he's tall now!!! He needs to be able to walk so I can quit carrying him everywhere!!!!!

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