Adventures, Stories, and of course... PICTURES!!!

Thursday, April 05, 2007


Path Of Destruction...

That is Sam's new nickname - given by Mimi and Pop Pop!!! And it's so true. Wherever he goes, he leaves a wake of, well, destruction behind him!!!! Toy boxes unloaded, Stormie's toys unloaded... basically anything he can get his little hands on!!!!

Have I mentioned that he's walking? He took his first steps a couple of weeks ago (on my birthday!), and he is getting more and more stable and confident everyday!

I am doing better. Some days are worse than others. I just got Sam down for a nap, so I am about to eat and go take a nap too!

Here are a few pictures - I got SOME downloaded from the camera... there's still more!!!

Here's mommy's little helper - he found his stash of "un-used" toys... well, that is no longer the case!!!
This is Sam just getting started!!!!Have I mentioned that he's a climber??? He can push his toy boxes around and use them to climb onto the couch and various other objects!!!! This time, he is helping Mommy unload the dish washer!!!

Sam LOVES balloons! So, everytime we go to Mimi and Pop Pop's, he always has balloons! He got some for his birthday, so everytime we come downstairs in the morning, he says "Boon" and points! It's so cute!!!!And he drives! I think after this driving experience, Daddy's truck was in Auto 4WD for about 200 miles - he was wondering why he was getting worse gas mileage!!!! Sam likes to push buttons while he drives too!!!!

1 comment:

Crouching Tiger said...

Just a side note...he only gets balloons while supervised, and he was "driving" in Mimi & Pop Pops neighborhood. No open road experience for Sam yet. We are not totally horrible parents.