Adventures, Stories, and of course... PICTURES!!!

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Sam-date time...

It's time for an update on what all Sam is doing...

He is talking his little head off. The other day, Mama was holding him and he reached for me as he said "Mama!" He really did - I am not sure if he really puts my face with "Mama," though, because that's his new favorite word! We still get "Dada" and "Baba" and I swear I've heard a "Papa" when Pop Pop was trying to get him to say Pop Pop!!! No Mimi yet, but Mimi is just fine being called Baba or AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!

Sam is completely mobile now. He still mostly does the army crawl / freestyle swim stroke, but yesterday he spent a lot more time on his actual knees and hands! He goes much faster that way! BJ and I have given him an early Christmas present... BABY JAIL! If he's in the floor with no boundaries, he's in the foyer, kitchen or the fireplace before I can get my tired rear end off the floor to go get him!!! I have millions (only a slight exageration) of toys on the floor for him to play with, but, if there's a Stormie toy out, he zeros in on it and wants to play with it!!!! It's also getting harder to get him to forget about stuff... such as a Stormie toy - he realizes that I just put it out of reach! I'm telling you - he's a genius!!!

As of now, we are working on getting him to sit up from crawling and pulling himself up. I can tell he's really close - he gets really frustrated that he can't QUITE do it by himself. He has sat himself up a few times, but the pulling up is really making him mad! It's so hard when he's working on it (usually using me) and fussing to not go ahead and help him!!! I make myself make him try for awhile on his own, then I help show him how to do it!!! I get good hugs when we do it together!!!!

His bottom tooth is all the way through now, and he is working on the next one! He really hasn't been too fussy about it - let's keep our fingers crossed that this trend continues!!!

I have always known he was a good baby, but he really is a little angel! He went to big church with us last Sunday and made it through the whole service! He is so laid back and GOOD!!!! I am almost scared to have a 2nd because I have been so blessed with Sam's easy-going personality!!! No, we haven't put him in nursery yet... it's certainly not because I don't trust someone else to keep Sam - it's really BJ!!!! I don't know why really, we just haven't - and now, cold and flu season is upon us, and Sam hasn't been exposed to much, so I might still wait!!!??? I think it will be a spur-of-the moment decision!!!

All right... picture time...
Sam pulled the big dog on top of him - this is before baby jail... but he rolled over before I could snap a picture!

Do you see Stormie? She's hiding from Sam!!!!Sam funnest toy...My friends from high school came over last weekend, and I got Jess to snap a family picture!!!!This is Sam, Kaden (2 months), and Riley (8 months - he's 4 days older than Sam)... it was such a hoot to try and shoot them all... one that crawls is tough enough, but two - and keeping them off of Kaden was a trip! Riley is a super-crawler - poor Kaden was just stuck until we moved him!!!! Enjoy that Cat!!!!!Can you believe they were all looking at the camera? Or in the general direction!!!!One of us must have been doing something funny to get this look!?Sam - sweet to the baby, PLEASE!!!!!!!!

Riley attacked Santa right before he crawled off!!!!!This one turned out cute!!!!We used to always get a picture of all the girls, but this year, the babies are all we came out with!!!!????

I used the same props the next day for a photo shoot with Sam - I was loving the overalls and hat - he was such a hit at church... again!!!!!!!

Guess that does it for now!!!!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Now, as a grandmother, I feel that I need to provide a voice for Sam! Sam did not want Baby Jail for Christmas! What baby would make a request like that? He loves freedom! He loves exploring and he loves his parents chasing him and giving him undivided attention. He told me he wants TOYS for Christmas! I do confess, though, he is fast and into stuff before you can take a breath--sooo--Tammy really needed baby jail! My only thought is: "why isn't Baby Jail her Christmas present?"
Mimi (Sam's voice)