Adventures, Stories, and of course... PICTURES!!!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Somebody Help Me!

Jake won't stop...
Washing his hands...
And over...
And over....
Seriously - it's 10-20 times a day!!! He's not neat about it, otherwise I don't think I would complain about it... I mean - it's a great habit, right?  I read an article once about a little girl who used anti-bacterial soap as face lotion and slept with it on her all night.  When she woke up, her face had burns (the scaring kind, people) all over her face!  So that has resonated with me ever since! So all day long (at least Jake tells me - he's so proud of himself... and he can't always get the water on by himself!), I am wiping Jake down --- along with the bathroom sink --- and fishing the wet hand towel out of the sink.  He's not so good with the details yet!
This too shall pass.... and I'll miss it!

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