Adventures, Stories, and of course... PICTURES!!!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Much needed Vacation... for Sam!

This past Friday was our 'worst day' in terrible two's history. I am baffled about discipline (again). I am consistent (for the most part - come on, chasing two little ones around is tiring, and I just can't muster the strength to take Sam ALL THE WAY to his room EVERYtime!!!), which I know will pay off at some point... but WHEN???

By noon on Friday, Sam had been to his room at least five times, and had at least that many spankings. Part of this was due to my new-found motivation to 'nip this in the bud.' I can tell him "no," and he's right back at whatever it is while looking at me out of the corner of his eye... and smiling! My tactic has been not to threaten something I'm not willing/able to follow through with. But, I am thinking that I need to start MAKING myself able (i.e. situate Jake where he's safe while I discipline). Sam is strong-willed and likes to push the limit no matter what he is doing. I get that, but there has to be boundaries! Welcome to the world of the terrible two's (and I hear 'three's' just get worse!!!!! YAY!!!! :)

Mimi and Pop Pop were planning on coming Friday afternoon and taking us to dinner, so it was GREAT when they got here. THEN, they said they were talking on the way here and were wondering if they could just take Sam home with them!? I agreed....... it will be good for Sam to get some one-on-two attention and a break from Mommy and Jake. He still isn't home!!!! He actually will be home later today. I miss my little guy - even if he is a challenge sometimes. It's really not ALL the time (thank goodness)!!!!

Jake has enjoyed his quality Mommy and Daddy time too. He is a typical 15-month-old. Discovering new things around every turn. He's a great sleeper (except when he wakes up at 5 AM to poop... but he goes back to sleep until 8:30!!!!)

He LOVES to be tickled. He will be walking (or running) and just throw himself down on the ground (lovely in public places) and roll over waiting to be tickled. Then he just screams and giggles!

Jake still loves his Cheerios. We're not going through a box a week anymore, but that is only because we introduce VARIETY!!!! He loves to feed Stormie from the table. He thinks he's so slick dropping his hand down by the chair then dropping them. Too bad before he even moves his hand to the side, he's yelling, "Uh, Oh!" Kind of a clue there! I started 'tapping' his hand (because I was actually playing with him then realized that probably wasn't a good idea... too late!) and telling him "Bad boy." Now he says, "Uh, oh!" drops the cheerio (or food), then smiles and spats his hand and says, "Bad boy." WELLLLLLL...... it's pretty cute! Guess I'll work on that later. For now, I laugh (on the inside, of course)!!!!!

Jake runs around saying, "Mommy, Mommy" constantly! I love it! I can't believe he's talking so much already! I'm glad, though. I like communicating and not having to guess what he's trying to tell me! PLUS.... that little voice is so precious! I love to hear him babble on and on. And believe me, he talks all the time!!!!!!!!

Well, Sam has been busy with Mimi and Pop Pop too. He has ridden his 4-wheeler, ridden the mule, fed Rooster (the horse), unloaded all of Pop Pop's tools in his shop, flown Pop Pop's airplane (and almost made him sick), eaten Waffle House, made at least one Wal-Mart trip, gone to Albany, built a big wheel, ridden the big wheel, ran over Mimi's truck, been to the Albany zoo (it's called Cheehaw..... :), and pretty much done whatever he wants. Think he'll be ready to see Mommy?

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