Adventures, Stories, and of course... PICTURES!!!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Just Today...

Just today...

I have broken the faucet. Ripped that bad boy right off - water squirted like a fire hydrant. What a mess!

Jake (or Sam - I'm really not 100% sure) colored on himself with a green marker. I think it could POSSIBLY have been Sam because it is mostly on his neck.

I put Sam down for a nap and after going in there a few times I told him his new toy(s) would be in time out if I had to come back in there, so to lay down and be quiet. I didn't hear anything from him and assumed he was sleeping (for an hour and a half)!!! He came out of his room with black 'marker' all over him. After a few questions and him showing me a few things, turns out it was the FURNITURE REPAIR PEN! Didn't even know it was in there... not to mention he had to CLIMB THE FURNITURE to get to it! So, there is black furniture repair 'paint' on Sam's face (pictures to come, I'm sure), Sam's jammies, Sam's mobile, Sam's sheets, and on every piece of paper he could find (there wasn't much). Miraculously, the walls were untouched!!!! (Sam never slept... should be an even more interesting afternoon!?)

It's only 3:00..... thank goodness BJ is on his way home - to fix the sink!

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