Adventures, Stories, and of course... PICTURES!!!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

'Ode to My Husband

Twas a night we attempted to get in the bed
Early as possible because we were so dead.
Days and nights of sick and whiny kids;
Mommy was also feeling sick as the others so did.

Snug and warm in our bed finally -
All we could hear was the soft hum of the t.v. and the snoring of the puppy.
When all of a sudden did we hear
A screaming child oh so near!

Up sprang my hubby with one agile bounce,
"It is Jake" was all I could announce.
Out the door Daddy flew
To see if he could make the baby coo.

In a NyQuil induced coma I did float.
In and out, I hear the baby cry and the Daddy dote.
Half drunk and half asleep,
To the baby's door I did creep.

My intentions were sincere,
I wanted to go in there.
I stopped outside the door to hear
My husband singing to the baby oh so dear.

I stopped at the door and listened awhile.
Tears in my eyes were beginning to pile.
I heard remnants of "Hush Little Baby don't you cry,"
Then words only a Daddy could compile.

After an hour of repeat,
The baby finally did sleep.
My husband climbed wearily back into bed.
As I said, "I'm sorry," "It wasn't that bad," was all he said.

I fell back asleep hearing in my head
The sweet words to be kept between a baby and his dad.
And the sweet dear thought slipped past
That I am so very blessed!

BJ - you are the best daddy and husband in the world!!! I love you!

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