Adventures, Stories, and of course... PICTURES!!!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Sam's Dress-up Day at School

Today, I went to Sam's school for "Dress as your favorite book character day." Basically, they dressed up for Halloween, but since it's a Baptist Church, they don't celebrate Halloween!!!! =)

Here is Sam's class all dressed up:There was a little girl dressed up as Minnie Mouse!
So this one she was smiling, the last one Sam was!
All of the classes paraded around the halls for everyone to see. It was so cute!
I was there for a couple of hours, so I got to experience part of Sam's school day with him. He was actually a little clingy, and kept asking if we could go home yet. Bless his heart! I hope he's not that way when I'm not there - actually, I know he's not! He certainly is an observer, though. He's not one of those that jumps into the thick of things. He would rather stand in the back and watch all of the other kids jump and sing and dance. Foreign to me, because at home he's almost uncontrollable at times (OK, a lot of times!). Wonder if he's just shy? He talks one-on-one, but when the teacher asks a question, he is not the one that will answer for the group. Come to think of it, I'm pretty much that way... oops - sorry Sam!!!!!! =)They cut open a pumpkin and felt the insides...
I left about 45 minutes before class was over because Sam was getting to where he just wanted me to hold him, and I wanted him to participate in class. He cried when I left (tore my heart out), but I did it - I left and he was just fine once I was gone. The trick is just making a clean break. No hanging around once you announce you're leaving!

Mimi, Pop Pop, Jake and I went back to pick him up. THAT made him happy! He and Jake are both worn out and are sleeping... whew!!! Jake had a fun play date with Mimi and Pop Pop. He's so cute reaching for them and snuggling his little head into them. He loves them so much! Smart kid!!!!

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