Adventures, Stories, and of course... PICTURES!!!

Monday, April 07, 2008

Swimming Lessons

We had our first swimming lesson today! Sam did so good - he stuck his feet out and kicked and splashed. He even laughed and enjoyed splashing around. He jumped right in the water with me and was even able to pull himself out of the pool all by himself!

Sam was watching Sesame Street this morning, and Elmo's World had penguins on. When I talked to him this afternoon about swimming, he said, "Like the Penguins?" That kid remembers EVERYTHING... he will repeat things off the T.V. or radio when I don't even think he's listening!!!! Yet... he refuses to 'listen' to the simplest of instructions!!!!

My parents have Jake, and I guess Sam has Jake-separation-anxiety or something, because he has been running a fever off and on all day!? What the heck? God really does watch out for us, because the two times Sam has gotten sick are the only two times Jake has been at my parents! He had a fever of 102 when I put him down (well, laid with him) tonight. He really clings and loves his mommy to be close when he doesn't feel good. I like it! Not that he's sick, but that he wants to be close to mommy!

The fever began this morning around 11 or so. We were out and about, so we went home, and I put Sam in bed. He had fallen asleep in the car, but went back to sleep at home.... only to wake up 30 minutes later wired and rearing to go (hence, why we went onto swimming lessons). I MADE him stay in his room for over an hour, and he FINALLY went back to sleep. HOWEVER, he decided he wanted to 'break-out' of his room (I have a baby gate at the door to limit little wandering Sam). He literally ran at the gate and didn't stop - I looked up to see him face-down on the floor on top of his gate... laughing! I had to regain my composure before I could go over to him and 'get mad'!!!!!!!!! He was like a bull - it was hysterical! He just looked up at me with that cute devilish grin of him, like, "What you gonna do now, huh?"

Now the fever's back, and he's not running over gates!!!! Hopefully, he'll be fine in the morning, because we have round two of swimming lessons!!!!

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