Adventures, Stories, and of course... PICTURES!!!

Friday, December 07, 2007


I officially have a crusty child! I was hoping to avoid this with MY child, but, no, I haven't! I have put him to bed with peanut butter, jelly and spaghetti on his shirt (don't ask), AND I have been wiping his little nose (to TRY and avoid the crusties) for the past week! Oh! Well! Can't win 'em all!
Jake went to the pediatrician the other day about his reflux. He wasn't sleeping well, and we were/are NEVER able to lay him down - he screams! His little voice is so hoarse - it's pitiful to hear him cry! He had started spitting up more and more too, so I took him on. They won't give medicine, but she told me other things I can do to help, and he should outgrow it by the time he's three months old. Do you know how far away that is? A WHOLE NOTHER MONTH!!!!! Her remedies: Keep him at least at a 30 degree angle at all times - even during diaper changes (OK - you tell me how to change a diaper that a baby is SITTING on, and I'll be happy to do that!); instead of feeding him 4 oz every 3-4 hrs, feed him 2 oz every 2 hrs (ummm... I about started crying here - we are so sleep deprived waking up with Jake every 3-4 hrs and Sam - darn this daylight savings time change business - waking up at 5:45 or 6 every morning... rearing to go, I might add); and add 1 tsp cereal per oz to his bottle (thicker milk will be less likely to come back up than the thin - good thought). So far, it's helping. Jake seems much more relaxed and even sleeps better (the short naps that he chooses to take). I DO NOT wake him to feed him, and I feed him as much as he wants. I'm not stopping him at 2 oz and hearing him cry for two hrs before he can have more! Mommy's intuition here!!!! Doctors operate on averages anyway, so I'm tailoring her advice to Jake's needs! The biggest difference here is that I'm adding cereal to his milk and not taking an hour to get that last ounce down him anymore! =)
This has been a busy week. We went to the dentist - no biggie, but we did it with two kids, and just me and BJ! YAY! BJ went, I met him there with the kids, and he went home with them while I got mine cleaned! I NEVER have cavities, but this time I had two - man, ruined my perfect record! I hate shots, and DO NOT want to get them filled... I will, don't worry! I got my hair done (had help from Mama and Daddy there), we went to church (good Sunday to go - wasn't too crowded!), and we've been relatively healthy - baring a LITTLE runny nose from Sam still!

Sam is excited about Santa. We told him he had to be a good boy for Santa to come see him, so he says, "Sam good, Jake bad" and kisses Santa all the time! We have neither suggested nor prompted either of these responses! Mama brought him a Santa that's taller than he is that was mine when I was little. He takes him everywhere - he is watching Sam sleep right now!
Speaking of sleep deprivation, the other night, Sam started crying in the middle of the night, so BJ volunteered to go take care of him. He still wasn't back 15-20 minutes later, so I went in there only to find them both asleep in Sam's bed. I got BJ up and made him go back to his own big boy bed! Now Sam lays on his bed and says, "Daddy nite-nite." Smart kid!

More pictures...

Sam "helping" Jake swing...
Jake swinging just fine on his own... he loves the fish!
Sam "showing" Jake how to play on his mat... And again... Sam putting himself in Time Out... He knows what he's not supposed to do, so he says, "Time Out," and runs to this spot where he has to sit. I support him in his decisions, but it's quite funny! What do you do with that?????
And we're done....
BJ messing around with Sam - this is the result! The other morning, I was feeding Jake, Sam was quiet, and within one minute (literally), this is what he had done!
What? What are you looking at?Santa's watching Jake (being a good boy =)Sam telling Santa HE'S been a good boy!Again, Sam 'playing' with Jake... he's such a loving big brother!Watching...MAN, I snapped this picture at just the right time!!!! See? He loves his baby brother!This seems to be Sam's hairstyle these days... there just aren't enough hours in the day sometimes... or are there too many????
Tummy time...Our sweet little angel...
And he's spent...

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