Adventures, Stories, and of course... PICTURES!!!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

As Promised... Swimming Lessons!

At the pool a little early to practice...
And play...
See why we need to know how to swim? He would run on out there if I wasn't watching!!!!Shoot Mommy!!! Great idea until the camera got shot...
Jake never stops talking... ever... unless he is asleep... I'm not exaggerating!
Sam has his moments... but he's not as bad as Jake - he gets that from BJ!
Here we go... reviewing from yesterday - went something like this:
Ms. Katie: What rules did we learn from yesterday?
Sam: No running
Ms. Katie: Jake, stop kicking! Right.. what else?
Sam: I need an adult
Jake: I have a batman car
Ms. Katie: Good job Sam. Jake, can you tell me something that you learned?
Jake: I get candy!
Sam: No rough play
Ms. Katie: (snickering)... good Sam - let's try to see if Jake remembers something...
You get the picture now!!!!!!
Go Sam, go! He has really surprised me... by his willingness to try and actually do everything that is asked of him! I thought HE was going to be the timid/difficult one...
I was wrong. Here's Jake 'entertaining himself' while Sam and Ms. Katie practice.Discussions before the return trip...
Jake 'practicing' his kicks (aka splashing and entertaining himself some more!)
Talking/not waiting...Unlike his brother, Sam is patiently waiting for Jake to go...
Patience... Sam's ready to go again!
The bug crawl... Jake talking some more (I was out of sight for the most part, but Jake would talk to a brick wall if it would listen!)
He just can't wait any longer!
Here he goes...Little man is so proud that he 'did it like Bubby!'
Mommy's pretty proud of her guys too!!!

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