Adventures, Stories, and of course... PICTURES!!!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

This Moment in Words....

I am in another nostalgic mood about my babies growing up SOOOO fast! BJ and I were looking through some pictures on our phones and as little as they seem right now; looking at pictures from a year ago makes me realize how much they DON'T look like babies anymore!!!! :-(

So, at THIS MOMENT, I don't want to forget how they are!!!!

  • Sam is ALWAYS calculating... and lately it has been all about how old he is and when he can do things: "When I'm 7, I'll be able to stand on the bottom of the pool" (it used to be 5, but he realizes that is too close!); "When I'm 5, I'll be a big boy;" "When you're 4 like me, then you can do this Jakers!" and so it goes...... yesterday, every sentence out of his mouth was qualified with an age - he finally got tired of coming up with ages and said, "when I'm a BIG-YR-OLD...." Too cute!!!!
  • I (finally) took Sam to the dr for his 4-yr-old check-up... he is great (of course ;-) and is in the 98th percentile for height and weight. WOW! Big boy! The dr asked him to write his name and he grabbed the pen with his left hand and wrote it perfectly..... funny..... he ALWAYS uses his right hand to write!? But, alas, they used his right hand to prick his finger so he 'couldn't' use his right!!!!! He got (his final) four shots. This has to have been the absolute worst shot experience in my four yrs of doing this! It took me and two nurses to hold him down, and the whole time he was begging us to let him up, saying he was all done and to PLEASE be done! It was HORRIBLE!!!!!!! Then his poor leg had a terrible reaction to one of the shots! He is all better now, but is already calculating how to get out of going to the dr when he turns 5!!!! I assured him that he wouldn't have to get shots when he turns 5!
  • When something doesn't go his way (when playing - I assure you we hear whining when it's something 'big'), we get an "Awwww MAN!"
  • I blogged earlier about Jake going poo poo in the potty (finally)! He is still doing so good with that! What a relief! He just really likes privacy! I have to close the door and stand outside while he does his business... why didn't I know this 10 months ago???? The other day, he even went into the bathroom and went all by himself without me even knowing!!!! Don't worry, I didn't take a picture this time!!!
  • Jake can get himself worked up over anything! For instance - one morning he woke up and progressively got more and more upset. Once I got there, he was almost in hysterics (FYI - it's not like I left him for hours!) and when I asked him what what wrong, he said, "There's a duck in my beeeed!!!" I have heard bees, tigers and donkeys as well!? What an imagination!
  • Jake is most definitely my loving child. He will come up to me and asked to be picked up so he can give me a hug! I never say no!!!! When he's hugging me, sometimes he'll say, "I do love you mommy!" Other times, if he wants something he'll say, "You're really pretty mommy!" I don't know where he learned this, but he can pretty much get whatever he wants that way!!!!
  • While we're on the subject (of being pretty), some mornings Sam asks me to not put on my make-up because he is ready to go downstairs. He'll tell me that I am beautiful without make-up.... so let's go!!!!
  • Sam finished Tball. He says he liked it and had fun.... but during the games, he was always ready to be done - especially the evening games!!!! Jake did ok the whole season about not playing... sure, I had to retrieve him off the field more times than I can count, but he did ok..... Until there were trophies! He WANTED a trophy SO BAD!!!!! Poor baby... if I could have found him one, I would have paid any price!!! Next year...
  • As always - the best for last.... Jake is also pretty informative! He informs me (quite regularly) that he and Sam have a little winkie. Daddy has a big winkie! The first time I heard this....... at CHURCH (of course)!!!!

Funny boys! I love them so much! Next is my nostalgic pictures!!!!

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