Adventures, Stories, and of course... PICTURES!!!

Monday, May 24, 2010

A Day in the Life...

Who hasn't been asked, "So what is it that you do all day?" I think stay-at-home moms get that question waaaayyyy more than anyone else. At least if you have a j-o-b, people acknowledge that you get paid for what you do, so you must be doing something!!!

Not that I feel like I need to defend myself or validate what it is that I do (or don't do) during the day, but there are some days that even I am not sure what I did! But the kids are OK, so I can call those day a success!!!

Anyway - I digress! I had this bright idea to do a 'photo diary' of sorts... pictures of what I do in an average day. It sounded like a fun experiment, so I went for it! I picked a day when I 'had no plans.' I say that with quotes, because with kids, there's always a 'plan.' Even if it's a fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants kind of day - you must come up with something on those days! I'm not sure if I'm glad that I did it, or if it just made me feel more tired than usual... but that doesn't mean I'm not going to share my results!!!!

Get out the caffeine, because here we go.......................

It's a balmy 64 degrees outside and the weather for the day looks very nice ~ that's the radio telling me - It's 5:30 AM!!!! Time to work out!!!
BJ stole the camera and flashed a not-so-pretty pic of me ready to work out.... don't let the smile deceive you... I am not a happy camper in the AM... much less when I have a workout ahead of me!!!! Work out done... hydrate...
Jump in the shower quickly because... Hey Mom!!! It's 7:00 (seven, zerio, zerio), and Sam is in my room - it would be earlier, but he knows he must wait til he sees the 7 before he comes out of his room... thank goodness!
Good morning from Jake... rather early this morning! He usually doesn't wake up til closer to 8, but when Sam came in my room, I heard Jake calling me too...... ugh - it's gonna be a wild morning!
I "flashed his eyes!"
Bye-bye Daddy! This is rare that they get to see BJ before he leaves!
Sam on his pillow bed watching some TV while I get ready for the day...My little helpers... putting away yesterday's laundry (that didn't quite make it to their rooms before bedtime yesterday! ;-)Daddy waving good-bye... on his way to work (a little later than usual today)...
No picture necessary for me getting my make-up on and getting dressed - you already saw me without the make-up! But Jake likes to help me with my make-up, and by help, I mean rub it on his face!!!!
7:45 - Breakfast time... (today it's a little earlier than usual... normally it's around 8:30)
I realize they have no clothes on... it's early, and I'm not ready to fight it yet!
My morning pick-me-up.... this is how I make it through the day... or so I tell myself! Half the time, it remains half-full because I don't have a chance to drink it all!!!!I laid the kids' clothes out because it is such a feat to get them on for some reason! They enjoy being in their undies.... so much so, that even once they are dressed, I am not guaranteed that they will stay that way!!!
I started a load of laundry after my shower, so I switched the laundry and we headed outside to play with Play Doh for a little while... They LOVE Play Doh!!!
And there's always my little Stormie close by - no matter what we're doing - and she's a bit neurotic, so she is constantly wanting in my lap or is clawing my leg for me to pick her up! She's really like having a third child... and why I don't NEED a third child!!!
Maybe we'll swing a bit...
And water my plants...
Then back inside --- Sam unfolded the blanket to bring it upstairs to try and scare Jake...
Then they decided to 'help' me with the laundry, which has to be an everyday occurrence, or it gets out-of-hand rather quickly!
LOTS of help they are... I usually give up on the laundry when they're awake (because of this)!I was still trying to fold clothes when I heard the 'crash' of the blocks.... and I have to vacuum before naps, so this will have to be picked up so I can do that! sheesh....
Grooming... good timing after playing with Play Doh!!!
12:00 -- Lunchtime! Say the blessing, Sam...
Ham and cheese wraps with Cheetoes...
Empty the dishwasher while they eat...
Once they're done, it's time to break out the vacuum, and at least vacuum the downstairs...A little intervention necessary for certain activities while I'm vacuuming (I was NOT the one who piled the pillows up there!)...
And some mopping from Jake deciding to get some water out of the refrigerator (while I'm still trying to vacuum)... Yup, it's 1:00 -- Jake is getting progressively whinier, and wanting me to 'hold you-me!' ---naptime... take them potty then off to bed we, I mean they, go!Night, night Sam!
Night, night Jake!
First, I usually eat something for lunch, then I take a minute on the computer.... or wait on my computer, as it were! This is also when I get some peace (and quiet) to work on editing my photoshoots!
Clean the bathrooms...
Wash the dog...
Sam doesn't really sleep, so he stays in his room until he sees 3:00 ('three, zerio, zerio') on his clock!
Keeping quiet until Jake wakes up...
Close to 4... Jake is UP!Back to playtime!
Lovin' on Stormie... (See, she's right in the thick of things - and on pins and needles the whole time!?)
Watch the neighbor's kids for awhile until their dad gets home (their mom is in school at night, so it just makes sense that I can help them out for the hour-maybe-between her needing to leave and him getting home from work - and Sam and Jake LOVE to play with them)...
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE our new playroom downstairs!!!
My boys are definitely rough and tough!!!!
My mental retreat.... Facebook, emails, the INTERNET, blog-stalking, etc! (and can I give a shout-out to BJ... er... Sam and Jake - for my new Kate Spade phone cover??? ;-)
Good thing I took that mental break, because here's what I have to look forward to cleaning up later!!!
But for now, it's dinner time for the kids (BJ doesn't usually get home until 6:30/7, so the kids have to eat without him - usually around 5:00 --- today it was closer to 6, and BJ was running late anyway!)... Alphabet spaghetti with cheesy bread...
Yum... they liked it today! PS - there's always a direct correlation to how much later than 5 they eat and how well they eat!!!
The kids 'helping' while I fix dinner for me and BJ...
Mine and BJ's dinner on the grill...
Somehow I missed the "Daddy's HOME!" picture, but that's what happens.... I lose track so easily! BJ got home around 7:15 and dinner is ready... I'm lucky I've made it this far with all the pictures!!!! Here's what BJ and I had for dinner.... grilled chicken sandwich on cheesy bread complete with honey mustard and peas on the side!
Usually there is a little bit of playtime between BJ getting home and bathtime (8:00)... but traffic was unusually worse, so by the time we ate it was bathtime already! :-(
Jammy Time [**Insert MC Hammer's 'Can't Touch This' themed music!**]
Saying our prayers together...
Then we put them in bed... I usually take Jake and "rock-u-me" while BJ tucks Sam in.
By then it's around 8:45 and it's time to finish folding/putting away the laundry and finish cleaning/straightening the house.
**WHAT???? You thought I actually got it all done during the day!?!? HAHAHA!!!!**
When that's done, BJ and I veg-out on the couch for a bit and maybe watch some TV. Then off to bed for us...
To wake up tomorrow and DO IT ALL OVER AGAIN!!!!!


Melissa said...

Wow - I have to take a deep cleansing breath after that - and you didn't do it on a day that included grocery shopping and other errands!

Your faithfulness to be a good mother your boys is such a blessing!

Simple Girl said...

I miss you!! Wish I was still there to help!