Adventures, Stories, and of course... PICTURES!!!

Saturday, April 03, 2010

Sam's First Tball Game!

Sam's Tball team... yep, Sam is the biggest boy on the team!
My little slugger! The three Amigos... (Kaden, Riley and Sam) I love that their hats are so far down that you can't even see their eyes... can they see me??? Jake wants to play soooo bad!!! Sam in his new uniform... Waiting for pictures... (Notice that Sam is #6 - for all of the shots later of him from behind!!!)
Still waiting... Waiting - patiently!? Playing... and waiting... Think Jake got tired? Yeah, right!!!

Guess I didn't upload a pic of him hitting!? Whatever, he hit, and here he is rounding second... On third base - ready to run home... facing the wrong way!?!? But he found his way...
And he made SURE to tag home plate! Jake was SOOOO interested in the game! Well, the Cheez-Its were good!!!
Sam won... I mean, came up with the ball! I do believe our next sport to try will need to be football! All of the OTHER kids needed pads with Sam around! He would run and dive for the ball --- and usually came up with it!!! Throwing the runner out at first...
Running after the ball... (I don't believe that it is Sam's fault that the other kid appears to be falling!?)
'Fielding' the ball... (That's Sam squatted down catching the ball)
Sam 'performing' for his (adoring) fans... so basically he was bored and went further back in the outfield and spun around til he got dizzy! Swing batter batter...
Dive, dive!!!! (yep, that's Sam on his head!)
Shaking hands... good game! OK, he's ready for Zaxby's! Game Over!

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