Adventures, Stories, and of course... PICTURES!!!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Party-ing it Up!

Sam's Spring Program was this past Wednesday... LIVE LOVE
Here's Opa entertaining Jake while we waited for the program to start... Aren't they cute?
Here they come...
His nose is fine - he was front and center... with the mic right in front of him! Sam's class on the front row...
Is it over yet?
Exiting... Jake's turn...
Jake saying "Shhhh" (he hears this a lot!)Back in Sam's classroom...

Brotherly love...
Mimi and her boys...
Me and my boys... (PS - BJ had pre-op stuff on this particular morning, so that is why he is not in the pictures! :-(
Sam and his Pop!Sam's 'gifts' from his Spring Program / Parent Appreciation Day..."From the Mouth of a Child"Sam's silhouette... must have been one of those days that I couldn't get the 'hair horns' to lay down!?And here are a few pics from a friend's birthday party at Monkey Joes...
Fearless Jake!
Driving (climbing on) the car... 'Playing' the video game (he doesn't yet realize they require money... mommy's little secret!)
Back to the car...

Sam 'borrowed' the birthday boy's seat...
And made himself right at home!
Mmmmm...... Cake!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I love that he says that BJ works in "Alabama!" I'm sure BJ feels like that some days after the long commute!