Adventures, Stories, and of course... PICTURES!!!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

A Mommy's Brag List

Alright... I'm a mom, and if you are too, you know why I think my kids are the smartest kids in the world --- because they're MINE! I often say that if your mom doesn't think you're the best, then who else will???? Sooo, that being said, I have every right to brag on my brilliant children who amaze me every single day!
  • Sam spelled his first word... it was B-U-G. Although, I must be honest. He spelled it G-U-B, but when he read it to us, he read it backwards, but 'correctly,' if that makes any sense!!!!!
  • Sam writes his name ALL BY HIMSELF!!!!!
  • He has mastered his second book (and by 'mastered,' I mean 'memorized' because I acknowledge that he can't actually read yet, BUT, he is sounding words out and is getting there!
  • Sam and Jake are constantly in a competition to see who can name all the letters they see first. Sam usually wins (shocker... he's 18 months older), but that just means that Jake AMAZES me at his letter recognition at his age. He's not even in 2-yr preschool yet. Is it possible to 'skip a grade' this early in life???? ;-) He's a genius! (And I would just like to add that I ALWAY spell 'genius' wrong... thank God for spell-check!!!! They obviously don't get their smarts from me!)
  • Sam makes up his bed all by himself... (most) everyday!!!! I'm so proud of him following orders and 'helping' me to keep things neat and in order around here!
  • Sam and Jake both take their own clothes to the dirty clothes basket each night... and Sam even puts away his clean ones!
  • Sam also LOVES to help clean and cook. Jake isn't so interested, but Sam LOVES to 'swish' the toilets and to be on his ladder watching every move I make in the kitchen!
  • Jake is incredibly smart too... it sounds like I'm bragging more on Sam, but I'm afraid it's because Sam has paved the way for Jake! Although, I must say, Jake is FAR ahead of where Sam was at the Sam age. I have Sam to thank for that! Jake is a sponge and wants to be just like (and just as good as) his brother! I just take for granted that Jake knows his letters, colors and many other things... and I can speak to him like a normal child - not like a baby!!!

Other Funnies...

  • Sam SNORES so bad! He's just like his dad... which now makes me wonder if sinus/throat surgery is in his future as well!? BJ is having surgery by the end of March to correct his sinuses (aka allow him to breath) and his throat (aka to alleviate his sleep apnea)! Fun times!!!
  • Jake (to BJ): "Daddy the best you my friend!" Awwww... I think BJ grew a few more inces!!!
  • Our bathtub conversation last night:

Sam: What are these? (as he pulls his balls up over his Mr. Winkie)

Me: Ummm... that's Mr. Winkie

Sam: No, I mean under Mr. Winkie

Me: I think that's a good Daddy question (BJ is dilligently washing Jake and
'not acknowleging' us)

Sam: Daddy, what is this?

BJ: It's your private parts

Sam (without missing a beat): Mommy, he doesn't know!

Here are a few pictures...

One of Jake's many interesting sleep positions!Sam's favorite hiding place... pretty good, huh?Jake has a new-found love of trains! Glad Sam had a bunch already and doesn't mind that Jake claims them as his own (for the most part!)

Hanging out with Daddy!Sam gets involved in Trains more now too! (Most of the time) They play really well together!!! :-)

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