Adventures, Stories, and of course... PICTURES!!!

Thursday, February 04, 2010

My Tall Tale

So the saga of life as a mother... in the trenches... continues...

Thursday was early release at Sam's school, so another mother and I met at McDonalds to treat the kids to lunch. We order, get all of our condiments, get the kids settled and eat a little bit. Being the closet germ-o-phobe mommy that I am, I pulled my anti-bacterial wipes from my purse and wiped the kids and the table where they would be eating (we just got over pinkeye and some kind of stomach thing)! Jake told me his tummy hurt and I passed it off as him copying his brother (who was sick a week and a half before) - and I figured he was trying to get out of eating so he could go play. They played a little on the playground. Jake came down and wanted Mommy because his tummy hurt again... I picked him up to comfort him and he promptly SPEWED... ALL OVER himself, me and McDonalds' floor.

All eyes on me... great! I set him down - he kept puking. I made the (somewhat futile) effort to catch the vomit in his shirt. At this point, I'm gagging because it was on my hands and arms, my legs, and my boots (my brand new UGGS :-(. Jake was covered head to toe as well. I got his shirt off, but didn't go any further. I got the chunks off his pants. It all felt like slow motion. I honestly felt like once I put him down that I just stood there staring at him... with a look of "uhhhh... what do I do???" My friend went and got someone with a mop to clean up the floor. (I honestly hope they came back and did a better job, but the lady pretty much pushed the puke - and chunks - around on the floor... then took her pukey water to continue mopping around the restaurant. I'm not joking!!!)

Everything was such a blurr... but somehow, between me and my friend (who had FOUR children of her own), I got my kids and our stuff rounded up and ran out of McDonalds - with my tail between my legs! Sam had to walk without holding my hand - he started going the wrong way in the parking lot, but THANK GOD he is exiting the 'terrible' part of his 3's (i.e. he listens much better now)! I had Jake (covered in his coat, no shirt on, and both of us still covered in puke), Jake's booster seat, jackets, purse, etc. Sam carried (I mean drug) my coat for me! I (finally) got everything into my car, which again, was not an easy feat since Jake was screaming, and the mini van next to me decided to park halfway in my space. But we finally got the heck out of Dodge!!!

It will be awhile before we go back to that McDonalds!!! I DO remember that I had a small coke with me (to help Jake), but that got left on my bumper, so it is somewhere between McDonalds and my house!

What an adventure - and a day! I got the kids home, bathed and in bed (that sentence made it sound much simpler than it was!!! Sam wanted to discuss and ask questions about everything under the Sun... why do you want me to stay downstairs? Why do I need to be quiet? Why can't I get in the tub? I want to put on my jammies... you get the idea! I finally just put Sam in the tub to play - and keep him from under my elbow - while I got Jake settled and in bed!!!). BJ came home before they woke up from their naps to help. My knight in shining armor!!!

You know it's bad when I have no pictures to commemorate an occasion or story... but here are the innocent, but victimized boots that I am so fond of... we're hoping for a full recovery...

I remembered later that evening that I had forgotten Jake's shoes.... I went back up the scene of the earlier destruction to run in and get them. I looked in the shoe cubby holes --- nothing! There was one family sitting there, and the dad pulled the shoes from the chair beside him and asked if they were what I was looking for. Mmmmm... quite interesting... he said his son found them... and his son was just about Jake's size... BUT, regardless of their intentions, I'm glad I got there JUST in time to retrieve the shoes!!! I'm sure they were going to take them up to the counter once they were done!!!

Friday found Sam, Jake and myself at the doctor... AGAIN! Mimi and Pop Pop came to save the day and help us all get to doctors, naps and food. We all have antibiotics now, so maybe this three weeks of sickness is OVER!? Lord willing!!!

I'm ready for Spring...

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Oh no! That is terrible!!!! I'm so sorry that happened! I don't know what I would've done. Sounds like you kept a great attitude!